NAME HideAway 1.1.4 A small utilitiy to hide windows for MultiTOS Copyright (c) 1994 Bermuda Software Publishing Written by Bruno Essmann STATUS HideAway is freeware! (For more information please read the section 'Disclaimer and copyright notice' in the documentation.) DISTRIBUTION In your distribution you should find the following files: docu/changes.txt English historyfile in ASCII format docu/english.hyp English documentation in the ST-GUIDE format docu/english.ref English reference file for ST-GUIDE docu/english.txt English documentation in ASCII format docu/german.hyp German documentation in the ST-GUIDE format docu/german.ref German reference file for ST-GUIDE docu/german.txt German documentation in ASCII format docu/neues.txt German historyfile in ASCII format icons/color.rsc Resource containing the color desktop icon icons/mono.rsc Resource with the monochrome desktop icon hideaway.prg HideAway itself (by renaming it to hideaway.acc it becomes an accessory) hideaway.rsc The resourcefile to HideAway Note! There is only one version of HideAway since it is a) bilingual and b) clever enough to know what language it has to speek. CONTACT ADDRESS Bermuda Software Publishing attn Bruno Essmann P.O.Box 766 CH-8024 Zrich EMail: Fido: in the area ATARI.GER (my point number will change in near future so I won't write it down here) END