BETA 000 -------- The UCDAVIS dialer script was too long to implement fully plus I couldn't make head nor tail of it. The main bits are implemented but the wierd stuff at the top will have to be added manually with a text editor after config.prg has run successfully. Script Candidates ================= A script must have all critical variables configured for the provider. Neither can a script be user or modem specific. User and Modem specific information must be generalised. Maintenance =========== The names and hierarchical positions of items within the SETUP directory are best considered fixed. The programs within SETUP all rely heavily on shel_read() to obtain their execution path - the term current working directory (cwd) applies to this path *not* the path which can be obtained from TOS which can easily be different when multitasking. A point about shel_read() ... shel_read() should return the full path including program name and drive specification. Under Older Gem's it does not, it returns only the program name which is useless. In order to maintain backwards compatibility, the string returned from shel_read() is searched for a ':' and if one is not found, Dgetdrv() and Dgetpath() are used and the program name appended which emulates the newer shel_read() for all but the silliest circumstances. The batchfiles used all rely on the cwd. The cwd is obtained and the path specified in the batchfile is appended to it to build a fully specified name in all cases. The rest of this text assumes that the contents of SETUP are unchanged and that wherever the SETUP directory is written, that the user read this as the full path to SETUP. Adding a new Provider --------------------- setup\install\provider.dat is a simple batchfile, one line per provider. Each line consists of two fields - the first field is the path to append to cwd and is delimited by a single space character. The second field is all the remaining text until eol and is the actual text to display in the list of providers which the user sees in the install program. E.G. scripts\newprov\install.dat New Provider means that setup\install\scripts\newprov\install.dat is the batchfile to use when installing for "New Provider" which will be visible to the user to select. The full path built must not exceed 128 characters and the length of the text to display in the provider list must not exceed 40 characters currently. Providers appear in the display window in the order that they appear in provider.dat so it is recommended that the entries are manually sorted into alphabetical order (case insensitive) when any non alphabetical character preceeds an alphabetical one (ie 3