IRC.PRG IRC client for STiK Brief description of IRC commands. This will attempt to initiate an IRC session with the IRCSERVER that you have specified in the DEFAULT.cfg file. It is only a partial implementation of IRC, it is missing DCC, among other things. It looks a little like IRC2, but it isn't, however the commands are similar to IRC2 commands. Here are the commands that work. /join #channel joins a channel /part leaves current channel. At the moment you /leave can't leave any chhannel except the current channel. If you are on multiple channels you have to join each one then enter /part to leave them. /ping nick Pings nick. /msg nick text Sends text to nick as a private message /me text Sends text as yournick text /nick newnick Change your nick to newnick /version nick Gets version info from nick /finger nick Gets user info from nick /quit Disconnect from the IRC server and exit back to the menu. If it takes too long to disconnect cleanly, then pressing a key will abort the `clean' disconnection. /other... Other / commands also work, but are not interpreted by this IRC program. Instead, they are sent just as you type them. So they need to be in the proper format. Usually, the proper format is simply /command parameter. eg:- /whois nick /who #channel /list #channel /mode #channel +o nick etc. Some commands need a ':' before a multiple word parameter, eg:- /away :Recompiling my IRC program (again) /topic #atari :New Software Announcement! There are some control characters used for IRC special text effects. To use them, type one before the effect, and another afterwards to turn it off. For example ^BBold^B will make the word Bold BOLD. Note that these effects don't work in the input line. Instead you see characters from the Atari character set... These are the ones I know about. Control B BOLD text Control V Reverse Video text Control - Underlined (Key between '0' and '=') There are also 3 keys that have special meanings internally in IRC.PRG Control P Sends a Server ping to the server. This is just to let them know you are still here. You shouldn't need it. Control K This Kicks TCP. If you have data to send and you are waiting from an ACK from the server, ^K will cause instant retransmission. (Normally TCP retransmission works on a timer) If you have no data waiting, ^K simply sends a TCP ACK which has no real value, but might remind the SERVER that you are still there. Control X Displays Memory usage details on the screen. *** New Features in IRC *** Irc now has better multiple channel support. Now you can be in multiple channels and use the left and right arrow keys to move through the list. You can still only quit from the current channel. DCC operations are also in this list. Irc now supports DCC CHAT and DCC SEND. To send a file to a user type /dcc send nick filespec To initiate DCC CHAT type /dcc chat nick When someone tries to send a file to you, or initiate DCC CHAT you get a message asking if you want to accept it. If you answer anything but Y or y, the request will be ignored. To exit DCC at any time, press control C when DCC is the current operation. The byte count display in DCC SEND/RECV does not update automatically. When you change operations with the arrow keys, the current status of transfers is displayed.. Please note that there is a pause of a few seconds whenever a DCC operation closes. I'll find a better way of closing these conenctions in a future version... Some quirks (non serious bugs I haven't fixed yet). Text output is quite slow, especially on old ST's with no blitter. I don't really know what to do about this, but at least it should be compatible with all ST's.