All these programs have been written for my own use. I just cleaned them up a bit because I thought they might be useful to others. They have all been tested on a TOS 1.4 4Mb STFM running MagiC 2.0, Ease and NVDI 3. STIKTIME.ACC ============ This is a cut down version of STIKTIME.PRG for those without multitasking. It does the same job but without the bells and whistles. STIKTIME.PRG ============ You need a multitasking OS for this one. All bugs are mine. STIKTIME allows CoSTa to be used to keep track of STIK connection times. It assumes STiK is connected as soon as STiK is enabled and that is disconnected when STik is disconnected, strangely enough. All it does, is pretend to be NOS. It appends lines to NOS.LOG which CoSTa subsequently takes to be NOS connection and disconnection information. There are some differences so visual inspection of NOS.LOG will reveal who really was connected. Also within CoSTa, you can discriminate between the two by bringing up the call information for an item. The only thing you need to do, is locate the path to NOS.LOG by clicking on the obvious button. If you do not do this or STIKTIME.DAT is not found then NOS.LOG will be assumed to be in the STIKTIME directory. Fine for seeing what it writes but of little other use. SDCABPRG.PRG ============ Does very little! Install it in Cab as an external viewer for file types of your choice. Cab will then execute it and it allows you to move or copy the file somewhere else so it doesn't vanish into the black hole known as the cache (now - just what was that file called?). The program automatically terminates. If it sits there afterward then there was a file error of some sort - try again. The program will copy over any destination file of the same name. I wrote a powerful file transfer routine which is quite capable of detecting all sorts of clashes with names and attributes. It's in there with all the flags set to "stupidity mode" - just thought you'd like to know. Disable the VA_START option, it isn't supported. Could someone please send me the full docs on this. General ------- (not applicable to the ACC) Put this program in its own directory or it may conflict with other PUG programs. Windows are active in the background under MagiC. UNDO closes a window if possible (ie it has a CLOSER). SHIFT-UNDO sends the window to the back under MagiC. CONTROL-UNDO cycles the windows. (Actually it moves the window to the top left corner because the code to cycle is not present.) The window context is remembered - ie which were open and in which order, where and how big. Delete PUG.POS if the windows need to be recentred. The CONTROL key is the keyboard shortcut. An attempt is made to use the underscore convention under a multitasking OS. If this is not supported, shortcuts are lost (now there's someone who can't be bothered to use appl_getinfo()). Judicious use of a resource editor allows the shortcuts to be changed to personal preferences (ie don't change the tree orders). By all means send information on how to implement background operation and the BACKDROP button on other systems. Warranty -------- None at all, expressed or implied. Copyright --------- G. F. Harrison 122 Stanley Road Forest Fields Nottingham NG7 6HP Date: 14/01/96 E-Mail: Distribution ------------ Provided everything stays intact, however you want. Just drop me a line to keep me informed. Registration ------------ This software is dedicated as Tunaware. If you like it send my cat a tin of tuna fish in brine to make up for the one I bought him for Christmas then subsequently ate - I feel so guilty :-(