SOME FACTS ABOUT RAINBOW II MULTIMEDIA /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ RAINBOW was first published in December 1993 (v 0.5), which makes it the first "Falcon only" art package ever. Version 1.0 was released in Mars 1994, v 1.1 was released in June 1994, v 1.2 was released in September 1994 and RAINBOW 2.0 was released in May 1995. RAINBOW is programmed entirely in assembly language, which makes it fast and reliable. RAINBOW is the only art package where you can change desktop size, screen resolution, monitor type, vertical frequency and overscan from within the program without losing any work. Another feature you won't find anywhere else is the possibility to rearrange the user interface completely, at any time without damaging your work. RAINBOW comes with several built-in studios: Picture Studio Sound Studio Photo Studio Slideshow Studio Sprite Studio ...and even a built-in game! Needless to say, you may switch between the studios without data loss. RAINBOW II MULTIMEDIA really is a "Power without the price" program with all its built-in studios. The Picture Studio for example features some highly realistic tools (oil-paint, water-colour, airbrush etc) not found in more expensive software. If you would buy separate programs from other software houses instead of buying RAINBOW you would probably end up paying hundreds of pounds. In fact, for the price of RAINBOW II MULTIMEDIA you would only get a photo retouching program and nothing more.