PLEA TO DUTCH ~SECOND.FIL~ ~BRIEF1.BLK~ *** PLEA TO THE DUTCH *** First, I'll take you back a few years. For instance to 1988. Do you remember what you were doing back then? Maybe you were already active in the computer scene, or maybe your objective was to blow some more aliens. Some of us hadn't even bought their equipment back then. But it was a good time for us all, doing things we wanted to. A few years later, something like the beginning of 1992. Virtually everybody in the scene was working quite professionally, at one level or another. Almost everyone active now, was in the scene then. It was a time of competition (have you seen the new ZXC plasma? I have made a version which could get better than that.. Let's release it fast...), but looking back at it, I didn't like it much. The object was not to do the best you could, but to be better than others. And that's something I dislike strongly. In 1993, unity arose. All the bigmouths who overestimated their capabilities on the Falcon, and who expected other people around to be beaten, were disappointed. The competition was over, and computer freaks got less and less freaky, prevalating other interests like social contacts, music or sports. Sometimes within the computer community, but most of the time outside it. People (and most certainly I) regarded the computer scene as a place to have fun in with people you wouldn't have met in any other way, thereby learning and experiencing unknown things and values. Does anyone want to change anything about the happy situation we're enjoying now? Well, I am. I am very happy with the relaxed attitude right now, and think it should be kept that way. A fact is, however, that I haven't done anything useful on my system this whole summer, except writing a few articles for my fave magazine. Activity should be revitalized at any moment possible, and I am about to kick some flavour. Don't take it personally, because it isn't meant for anyone specifically. It's meant for everyone in the Dutch scene, and others might be helped with it too. WHAT'S IN GOD'S NAME ARE YOU DOING? NOTHING, JUST ADMIT IT BUT DON'T EXPECT ANY RESPONSE TO SILENCE DO NOT RELY ON YOUR BIG NAME OF THE PAST YEARS BECAUSE A NEW ERA IS UNLEASHED AND IF YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE IT (AND I'M SURE YOU DO) THE ONLY WAY IS TO GET ACTIVE THIS IS THE TIME OF WRITING HISTORY AND BEING PART OF IT IS SO EASY EVEN I CAN DO IT I WILL I HOPE THERE WILL BE A LOT OF FRIENDS TO ACCOMPANY ME ON OUR JOURNEY IT WILL BE BIGGER BETTER, WITH MORE OPPORTUNITIES AND FREEDOM JUMP ON THE HIGHWAY CALLED HIGH TECH AND BE READY FOR A TREAT OR ELSE STAY FRIENDS BUT REMEMBER MY WORDS BEFORE COMPLAINING YOU HAVE THE CHANCE GRAB IT! ~BRIEF2.BLK~ ~RED.PAL~