REAL-TIME 1 ~ESHER.FIL~ "Don't throw your cigarette butts in the urinals. It makes them soggy and difficult to light." Tom Sharpe, "Wilt on High" THE FINISHING OF "ST NEWS" VOLUME 9 ISSUE 2 (the text is an ACC / DBA co-production) edited by Richard Karsmakers re-edited for D.B.A. mag by Slimer Friday, July 22nd 1994 11:36 The birthday of Jason Becker, guitar talent extraordinaire suffering from the lethal A.L.S. Lou Gehrig Syndrome nerve disorder. When it rains it pours. When I woke up this morning people on the radio told me today the temperature would be as much as 30ø Celsius. Please understand me well - if there's a bit of wind and I can sit on the balcony all day with a cold beer, some liquorice and a good book (or two) to read, I don't mind too much. However, today is the last day prior to The Finishing of ST NEWS Volume 9 Issue 2. I still have one more article to write - the introduction to my "Book Reviews" - and this morning my Falcon space bar went on the fritz. A good thing I still have my MEGA ST, which I have now moved next to the Falcon. It was going to be used tomorrow anyway, for the purpose of this real-time article, but it's useful now already. Listening to disc 2 of the AC/DC "Live" set, quite excellent though not my own, while trying desperately to adjust, in sortof real-time too, to the MEGA ST keyboard (which is a QWERTZ one, German, as opposed to my UK Falcon keyboard). It types pretty brilliantly, though. I just called Jurek Ceglarek, customer support supervisor of Atari Benelux, and asked him what could be done about my Falcon keyboard problems. He immediately offered to send me a few switches that could easily be used to replace the busted space bar one, which might even find themselves in my mailbox tomorrow morning. Here's hoping... Tomorrow Alexander "Bonus" de Vries and Sietse "Slimer" Postma of Disk Busters Association (DBA) will arrive at my place to witness The Finishing. As a matter of fact, with their aid I plan to build in a "Falcon internal speaker is on/off; do you want it to remain so, or change it?" option. Slimer told me Bonus is their coder, and their magazine has said option. The main problem at the moment is Jeff Minter. For the last five days I've been calling him throughout the day to check if he's home. I am trying to get an interview with him into this ST NEWS, and if I can get hold of him by, say, 1 PM, I can still get it to work. He can do the interview replies, send it to me by email and I can fetch the stuff from my email account at around 4 PM. That way I can get it in. But I am afraid Jeff is still in the States, where he was supposed to spend five days at Atari Corporation involving the "Virtual Light Machine" to be built into the Jaguar CD ROM. He told me, about two weeks ago, he'd be back early this week and might get some chances at doing the interview provided Atari hadn't given him another near-impossible assignment. He should have been home now. I still have some hopes going. I will continue calling him about every hour until about 2 PM I think. If he's still not home by then, the interview will simply have to be postponed to the next issue (i.e. the one in which you're reading this real-time effort). Tomorrow you shall be sufficiently acquainted with the process of The Finishing, something involving "Pack Ice", "Disturb", "1st Word Plus" and "GfA Basic", as well as (hopefully) some Plantiac, Muier Schipper Bitter, and a load of drinknuts. I hope tomorrow and the day after will be cool. I suppose they will be. I am already looking forward to The Finishing of ST NEWS Volume 9 Issue 3, because that shall be done with none other than Chris Holland of "Maggie" located at my abode. For now, I think I would first like to acquaint you with my current surroundings. In the back room there are two desks put together like an "L" with the top of the "L" facing north. The vertical part of the "L" has the Falcon, with the chair of its potential operator on the east (to the right of the "L"). The MEGA ST that I'm using now is located on the horizontal bit, with the chair located to the south (below the "L"). A wall stretching north-east is located directly against the left of the vertical part of the "L". On that wall are posters of Yngwie Malmsteen and Jason Becker, an Australia Wildlife Calendar currently displaying an Australian Sea Lion, and a postcard kind of thing with "42" on it. The curtains are partly drawn to keep out the heat. All available windows are thrown open to let in some precious bits of breeze, but it's not to sufficient avail. Miranda is now cleaning the small room (not the smallest though) where the two guests will be able to put themselves to sleep. It should be pretty comfortable, at least a lot better than at the average computer coding conference I would hazard to say. I think I'll go and have a lot at what the postman has brought (if he's been already, that is). Richard 12:34 I just called Jeff's home address again, to no avail. So I called the Llamasoft office itself (in Tadley) and asked how things were going. Well, as it turned out, Jeff had been back in the UK from last Monday on, and he had come back from the US with pleurisy, a rather painful infection of the lungs. So it was pretty obvious that he wasn't going to be able to get the interview replies over to me by 4 PM Dutch time, although he wasn't present at the moment to confirm that. So the interview will be postponed to the next issue. A bit of a shame, of course, but at least that will make sure the next issue (i.e. the one you're reading now) will already be interesting by default. The health of the person who is almost single-handedly responsible for the huge Jaguar success is far more important than anything else. I regretted having bothered him so much over recent months but, hey, ST NEWS will be around for another issue I should guess. Richard Saturday, July 23rd 1994 09:33 I just got out of bed and showered. Today, the weather forecast service announced smugly, Dutch weather could be classified as a "heat wave". I am not happy with it. I still have lots of work to do. Yesterday afternoon, as I did my usual pre-ST NEWS email session, I found in my mailbox a concert report by Karl-Anders 0ygard - a Roskilde Festival article! I still have to do the layout of that (which is a bit of a bastard as he used very wide tables to list the artists playing on each day, whereas ST NEWS is limited to 65 columns).I'll just have to get it over with. If everything goes according to plan, the two DBA dudes should have left about half an hour ago. I think they'll take 2 or 2.5 hours to get here. All windows in the house are wide open. It's quite windy inside now. I also switched on my industrial strength fan. A small pic of James Hetfield on the wall does not seem to like it much, fluttering and flapping berzerkedly, but I do. Richard 10:42 I finished editing Karl-Anders' article. All this is done on the same MEGA ST as the writing of this real-time article because editing an entire article is too strenuous with a busted space bar. Stuff that still needs to be done: The introduction to my book reviews, the adding of a quote to the Roskilde festival article, and possibly some more depending on what will drop in the mail today. Hopefully I will be able to fix the Falcon later today too. The soundtrack at the moment is the debut album of the Stray Cats. I saw "Grease" on TV a few days ago and ever since that experience I wanted to get the Stray Cats in my CD player some time. It is already getting slightly warm here. I hate this weather. Blast it! Richard 11:14 The soundtrack has changed to Pan-Thy-Monium's excellent "Dawn of Dreams". I am still writing the introduction to the book reviews. I have had something not unlike writer's block for a few weeks as far as this story was concerned, but things are now developing sortof naturally. Pan-Thy-Monium kick ass! Richard 12:01 They probably missed a junction somewhere, I guess. The heat in this room is slowly increasing, and the introductory story is going great. It's a horror story and I think it might be pretty scary. The soundtrack had changed to an even more ass-kicking band, with Napalm Death's "Fear Emptiness Despair". I think I'd better get my dose of metal now, for the DBA guys might be into hip hop (bwaargh!) for all I know. Richard 12:50 The introductory story is finished, the mailman has not brought anything interesting (no keyboard switches, no additional articles I had sortof expected from John "ex-STEN" Weller), and the weird Frisian folk have still not enabled my welcoming them. Off to the Falcon where I have some miscellaneous small things to do. Considering the fact that we had agreed for them be on my doorstep between 11 and 12 I suppose you could say they are too late. Richard 13:28 I am afraid they have arrived: Alexander and Sietse, also known respectively (though not respectfully) as Bonus and Slimer of "DBA Magazine". It is getting increasingly warm so I think there won't be a lot of writing done today. Maybe this evening or something. Richard 13:30 Yeah, we're here and I'm searching for the keys on this German keyboard. Well, I'm going to leave you now and in the capable hands of Bonus (because it's too hot to type more)... Slim Slimer of the DBA 13:37 They asked me to write something so I will do so. That being me, Bonus, the driver of the team. Boy, it was really hot in the car. The water temperature meter almost reached boiling level. At one instance we had a quick stop at a city map of Utrecht and the car wouldn't start anymore. But after a quick hit with a hammer on the starting engine it brought us where we are now, at Richard's place. The view from here is great... Bonus 13:49 Well, we (Alexander, Moi and Richard) are watching the packing of ST NEWS (and editing). How exciting... Slimer 14:53 Real-time report: Bonus is sitting behind his Falcon playing around with it. Richard is building an internal on/off routine in the ST NEWS source code. This doesn't happen without some troubles and bugs - well you can't have it all at once. Well it seems that it works now...I'm typing behind this Mega 2 ST with da' strange keyboard while listening to ZZ Top's "Eliminator" (which is more to Bonus' liking). After these lines of text it is now 15:12 (pretty fast huh)... Slimer 15:21 Bonus' Falcon has been installed some time ago, quite a few small bits of stuff have been added to the ST NEWS articles. I have also added code to allow for the Falcon internal speaker to be switched on/off. It's getting increasingly warm. This might have been caused in part by Bonus, who has taken off his sneakers. But the presence of 3 computers, one stereo tower and two blowers (that just sortof move the hot air around) won't help I suppose. ST NEWS is pretty much near-finished. I just ran "DiSTurb" again. This is a special utility written by Stefan quite a few years ago, enabling the computer to take over most of the mind-killing business that has to be done when finishing ST NEWS. By pressing F1 all documents were copied from their word processing directory to a special buffer directory where they were compressed (packed) about 50% off. Pressing F2 transforms these packed files into one large "articles" file ready for use with ST NEWS, now some 754801 bytes in size and containing slightly more than a massive 1.5 Mb of articles when uncompressed. Bonus' Falcon is copying. How come computer freaks gathering always contains a lot of copying? Phone... Richard 15:34 So now I have some time again to type something. Well, what shall I type? Something about Pinkeltje... No, that's something you can only find in a "DBA Magazine" (lucky you). Now my Falcon is copying some small files for Slimer and after that I can code (?) again. So maybe I'll be back somewhat later today... Bonus 15:58 What a surprise...Kai Holst, one of the New Nutties and programmer of the "Antidote" shareware virus killer, just called. After getting a wet ear from connecting the phone with it for a prolonged time in this heat, having talked to him for something like half an hour, he had informed me of some bugs in the "UVK" and some suggestions for ST NEWS that had, thank god (that I don't believe in at all)already all been implemented. I am sweaty. The DBA chaps are listening to sound modules (MODs). I am going to see if I can get some of 'em that seem especially worth while. They appear to have made about three MOD disks filled with music ripped from some Falcon demos and normally not available separately. Richard 16:05 We're going to turn off all systems, allowing them to cool off a bit and eat some vanilla ice cream on the balcony. With chocolate droolings on top. Richard 17:36 Back from outside. We spent most of the time sitting on the balcony. After having finished the ice cream we merely sat sighing deeply, with the other guys gazing at one of my opposite neighbours (a rather OK female that discretion forbids me to reveal more about). We have in the mean time ordered pizza. In about 25 minutes I suppose they will arrive. Richard ~MINT.PAL~ END OF PART 1