Chronological account of VOYAGER3 modifications -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28-May-1994: Final tests of VOYAGER3 with Dominique Beydon. Inactive options: - Horizons - Eclipses of sun - Eclipses of moon - Save with graphic formats -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01-June-1994: NEW FUNCTIONS: - Send a page jump option with the PRINT menu - SAVE/PRINT memory comets and asteroids ephemeris. - BOARDS FILES menu. - Elliptic elements of comets and asteroids may be saved/loaded - Confirm overwriting of files with a PARAMS SYSTEM option. CHANGE: - Advertissement board is larger. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04-june-1994 NEW FUNCTIONS: - Save images with DEGAS PI3 format. - Save whole screen but can't be used with a viewer soft CHANGE: - Vicious bug found in conjunction/opposition calculations (New proceeding is more reliable) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 05-june-1994 CHANGE: - Better running with 1040 ST (TOS 1.02) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10-june-1994 CHANGE: - Twilights are displayed with colors - Somes little bugs are rectified. - VOYAGER3 run with the falcon version of OUTSIDE3 ( don't use the alternate memory) - tests with TT - Compatibility test with GEMINI2-CONTROL PANEL TURBO CACHE-SELECTRIC-CRASY SOUND- LET THEM FLY-WINX-FALCON SCREEN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11-june-1994 NEW FUNCTIONS: - Active window is saved with 16 colors ( DEGA PI1) 4 images with the PI1 format are created Their names are ****1.PI1 ****2.PI1 ****3.PI1 ****4.PI1 - Screen can be cut out with DEGA PI1,2,3 formats. Screen must be larger than 640*400 with 2 colors display. CHANGE: - Display with 4 colors is possible ( but less beautifull) -Calculation of sun eclipses is possible -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12-June-1994 NEW FUNCTIONS: - Calculation of moon eclipses datas is possible CHANGE: - Some bugs are rectified after beta tests - Very good tests with MEGA STE ( TOS 2.05). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14-june-1994 CHANGE: - Now, VOYAGER3 keep the accounts of the time zone change and the post observation co ordinates to display datas already computed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-june-1994 CHANGE: - Some display bugs are found. - Drawing of moon eclipes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16-june-1994 CHANGE: - Redraw of windows is fully correct with a 1040 ST ( GEM bug on the windows title). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19-june 1994 CHANGE: - management of dialog box and date is faster -some display bugs are corrected ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20-june-94 CHANGE: -the memory management is modified.fully compatible with OUTSIDE and 30 Ko of memory gain. - A LINE function is supressed for better compatibility ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22-june-94 CHANGE: - some problems with VOYAGER3 and TT RAM - better TT compatibility with GRAF_MOUSE and BIBLT functions - new setting of the memory management : The soft used all the available RAM. NEW FUNCTIONS: - save the active window with the DEGAS format. 32 Ko of memory gain when this function is unactived - redraw of the active window with the CLR HOME keys. - now, the time zone and the observatoty place of the active window are displayed in the barrel menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29-june-94 CHANGE: - new version 3.04 - TT RAM compatibility ( tested with OUTSIDE) the soft need TT RAM flags and MALLOC function - windows redrawing is faster. - better redraw with the BITBLT function ( instead RC COPY) - windows are created in virtual memory ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30-june-94 CHANGE: - saving and cutting up of screen in DEGAS format is possible with the registered version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-july-94 NEW FUNCTION: - option month ( Nø) in the menu PARAMS/DATE FORMAT it can active or unactive the month number of all the date display ------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.04 is distributed ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-july-94 CHANGE: - new organisation of the SETTING and PARAMS menus - foundation of the horizon module NEW FUNCTION: - to see or not the horizon decoration -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8-july-94 NEW FUNCTIONS: - arrows and slides in windows - quit function with a click on a new icon HORIZON MODULE: - simulation of twilights. - maximum magnitude to display stars - atmospheric correction may be active or not - the sky frame may be toggled - graduations option on vertical and horizontal axis ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12-july-94 CHANGE: - new pop up menu with some dialog box: * choice of date : month, year and time zone * choice of place: cities and time zone * comets or asteroids ephemeris computs: choice of the object - fully compatible with WINX NEW FUNCTIONS: - SETTING menu: orbital settings of comets and asteroids - virtual construction yes/no: display is faster but the image is progressively buided. - setting the number of equator points.if the number is too hight, diplay may be slower. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13-july-94 CHANGE: - stars datas (horizon module) are stored in a new file. this file may be edited in ASCII format with the registerd version. ( format : NAME,RIGHT ASC.(ø),DECLIN (ø),MAGNITUDE ) NEW FUNCTIONS: - load/save/edit stars datas in the horizon module - choice of the planets colors ( same colors than CURVES) - descriptive card and stars editing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14-july-94 NEW FUNCTIONS - new parameters for menus * 3D menu ( TOS >4) * menu with gray frame ( TOS > 4 + 16 colors ) * 3D with hierarchical menu ( TOS > 4) * initial with capital letter * setting of colors for - hierarchical menus - gray menus - normal menus ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18-july-94 NEW FUNCTIONS: - setting of colors for - equator - stars text - horizon line ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19-july-94 / 07-august-94 HOLIDAYS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 09-august-94 NEW FUNCTIONS: - horizon module : Bayer's letters may be actived * actived : greek letters * unactived : letter name - symbol of zodiac constellations - latin name of zodiac constellations CHANGE: - shaded menus ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10-august-94 NEW FUNCTIONS: - environment is saved with quit function : environment= contents and positions of windows. - load environment: load a saved previous environment. - the INSERT key rebuild the screen after a bad redraw. - 3D interface : FALCON with TOS > 4 . 3D for buttons and boxs CHANGE: - unselectable buttons are gray ( unregiterd version ) - VOYAGER3.SET file is modified. - some modifications in the general/system PARAMS menu - the registry file must be at the same level than VOYAGER3.PRG - idem for the VOYAGER3.SET file. - winter or summer time are automaticaly corrected in the dialog box. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11-august-94 NEW FUNCTIONS: - delete created windows. to delete a window , select the BOARD/COMPUT/ CURVES/HORIZON icon and press ALTERNATE key.Then, put the icon shadow on the QUIT icon. the window and his content will be deleted. - direct acces to the horizon module with date modifications if necessary with a click down on a board line or a comput line CHANGE: - hierarchical and pop up menus for minutes, hours, days in the date dialog box. - pop up menus in the descriptive card of planets - pop up menus in the horizon module. you can choose a new comet or asteroid whith a right click down on the object name ( at the lower end of the sceen). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12-august-94 CHANGE: - I have written an installing soft for VOYAGER3 to prevent some problems during the installation. run the INSTALL.PRG file and choose the installation directories. this soft can read your serial number if you have a registery version. ( read the INSTALL.TXT file ) - the serial number with 3.04 version is not valid with the 3.05 version. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13-august-94 NEW FUNCTIONS: - display ecliptic - setting of ecliptic color - setting of the number points of the ecliptic - date dialog box option at the beginning - search one ecliptic constellation with horizon module - setting of the displayed constellations øthese two pop up menus may be called with two buttons ( right of the comets colors setting) - display of the horizontal coordinates of the mouse index ( calliper square button ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14-august-94 NEW FUNCTIONS: horizon module: - loading of an external stars file - memory stars datas can be saved ( registered version) - stars can be edited or deleted (registered version) with a click on the card icon. ----------------------------------------- for newer informations, read french file -----------------------------------------