CLA Vector Object Editor v2 2/11/93 ============================================================================ This program comprises part of the CLA Logic Design package, version 2. Written by Craig Graham. Email: ============================================================================ Usage Description ----------------- Again, this is another of my personal utilities which people may find a use for. This is not a manual, it's a summary. Presently all you can do is edit the existing gates, which does allow scope for producing ANSI/IEE gate libraries. Any design drawn in one library will still display with the currently installed library. To create a new library, copy the file 'RESOURCE.CLA\VECTORS\GATES.VEC' to somewhere safe, then run VECEDIT2.PRG (this must be in the correct place - see INVENTORY.TXT). You will be presented with the edit window. This looks slightly different depending on whether you have an ST/TT or a Falcon (different RCS files are used). You can change which component you want to edit using a pop-up menu (just click on the name). UNDO steps back though a design, so to begin a component from scratch, just keep clicking on UNDO until the edit window is empty. When editting, you can undo as many step's as you like, as the drawing order is always preserved. DRAWING MODES ------------- The cursor will change for each of these:- CIRCLE adds circles at any point you click on. ARC adds arcs (good manual this isn't it?). LINE adds lines. Lines follow on in this editor, so in line mode (the cursor is a cross) you continue adding points to a line. MOVE moves to begin a new line at the point you clicked on. BOX - not implemented as yet. NOTE:The gate you draw MUST fill the same space as the ones I've drawn, or wires will not connect up properly in CLA.