CLA : A SURVEY - Please fill in and return via email or smail There are a few things I'd like to do but haven't as yet, here's you're chance to influence my direction over the coming monthes. (Or even get in on the act yourself if you like). 0) What system are you running CLA on ? Computer: ST/MegaST/STE/MegaSTE/TT/Medusa/Falcon/Emulated Atari (Gemulator) Processor: 68000/020/030/040 Speed: (in MHz) Memory: Graphics mode: Monitor: TV(f030 only)/SM124/SVGA/MultiSync Hard Drive Size: 1) VHDL is an up and coming design approach. Should I work towards greater support from CLA for VHDL ? (eg. Run CLAVHDL concurrently with CLA with message passing to allow interaction between the two, and a more complete implementation of the language) 2) State diagrams can also be useful to represent certain aspects of hardware or systems design. Do I integrate them into CLA ? 3) GalaxyCAD can synthesis EPLD's. and will shortly have FPGA support. Comercial packages can synthesis everything (PLD, FPGA, ASIC). This seems to be the way to go. How should CLA support this route ? i) Export of netlists in sythesisable VHDL to allow a comercial package to do the synthesis. ii) Integral sythesis of PLD's. (Note: If there is a need for this, myself & Peter will require help 'coz we don't know how to approach this) iii) Export Galaxy compatible files to allow synthesis into EPLDs using Galaxy's Intel EPLD synth. facility. iv) Synthesise & then export PALASM files as FSM-EDIT does now. v) Forget it & stick to simulation. 4) What simple tools are missing from CLA (from a schematic capture viewpoint)? 5) What simple tools are missing from CLA (from a simulation viewpoint)? 6) Advanced wishlist:- what features of advanced comercial electronic design and simulation packages would be most lusted after? 7) What is your job description? 8) Company name ? If you in the electronics industry then please answer the section below: 9) What Schematic capture tool(s) do you use? Mentor Graphics [ ] Altera [ ] Dazix/Intergraph Ace/AcePlus [ ] Galaxy CAD [ ] Other .....: 10) What State Machine design tool do you use? SPeeDCHART [ ] Translogic [ ] Dazix/Intergraph Design Expresions V12 [ ] ABEL [ ] Other.....: 11) Which VHDL/HDL modelling system do you use ? Mentor Graphics [ ] Dazix/Intergraph Advamsim [ ] Alliance [ ] ModelTech [ ] Verilog HDL [ ] Other.....: 12) What Synthesis Tools do you use ? Exemplar [ ] TransGATE [ ] Alliance [ ] Cadence [ ] Dazix/Intergraph Synovation [ ] Asyl [ ] Minc [ ] Synopsis [ ] Cadence [ ] NeoCAD (also routing) [ ] Other.....: 13) Which simulator do you use? Mentor Graphics [ ] Dazix/Intergraph Advamsim [ ] Galaxy [ ] Alliance [ ] Other.....: 14) What technologies do you work in ? PAL/PLD/EPLD (Small scale - eg 22V10) [ ] PLD/EPLD (Large scale - eg Altera Max) [ ] FPGA (eg Xilinx 3000) [ ] ASIC (semi-custom) [ ] ASIC (full-custom) [ ] Other.....: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thankyou for taking the time to answer this - it'll be a big help in knowing what to do next. I'll mail the survey results to all Beta Testers and interested parties, those in the industry may find the results of the final section interesting - I'm really just being nosey as well in that section :). (We use the Integraph & ModelTech stuff here at BAe Space Systems, so there!). Craig Graham Microelectronics & Software Engineer, BAe Space Systems (CommSats Division), Stevenage, England. Student (MEng Microelectronics) Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, England.