In Touch is available from your local Atari dealer or directly from Computer Direct for 79.99 Cdn or 59.99 US. We are also offering a competitive Upgrade path for a limited time only for registered users of CardFile, GEMvelope and TrackerST for 59.99 Cdn or 44.99 US. The competitive upgrade special expires on March 30th 1996. To order your copy or for information on a dealer nearest you, contact Computer Direct at: Computer Direct 10338-59 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta Canada. T6H 1E6 Tel: 403-496-2488 Fax: 403-496-2489 Toll Free Order Line: 800-547-9203 Internet: email to: Genie: c.krowchuk1 WWW: For your convenience, we accept Visa and MasterCard!