AW_PRALN.LZH Copyright ½ 1993 by Michael Hebert The archive contains the following files: READALIN.TXT This readme file. PRNTALIN.STW Tutorial in AtariWorks Format P_ALIN10.STW Template w/1" margins for printer alignment. BAD_MARG.IMG Graphic for tutorial. GUD_MARG.IMG Graphic for tutorial. Copy all the files to one folder. IMG graphics are part of the tutorial and must be in the same path as PRNTALIN.STW. AtariWorks does not save IMG's as part of the document file. It saves them as a set of instructions on where to find them. Load PRNTALIN.STW into AtariWorks and print it out. Pass this set of files around to other users or post on BBS's as you please but keep all the files together in the archive. I hope you find the tutorial enlightening and the template useful. It does make a nice simple border graphic also. The normal comments, suggestions, flames, brickbats or kudos to: M.Hebert1 on Genie 70640,3556 on Compuserve