Holland Game Design presents: PONG 2000, a Atari Falcon030 only game. Written by J.G. van der Leij Music by BOB Graphics by E. van Scheijndel Please forgive any incorrect use of English; it's not my native language. The final text will be corrected by an english translator. Technical Specifications. PONG 2000 runs on any Atari Falcon030 with 4MB or more Ram with RGB monitors, TV or VGA (multi sync) monitors. The full version will require about 3MB diskspace, the demo version 1MB. The demo is runnable from floppydisk. The final version will be harddisk only. PONG 2000 can be played by one or two players with joysticks or Atari joypads. The game runs either on 50 or 60 frames per second. About PONG 2000 PONG was the first video game ever, when it was launched for mass market by Atari. Since then many video games have come and gone of which we have seen revivals as computer improved technically. But there has been no revival of PONG until now! As the world leaps to the next generation of gameplay Holland Game Design produced a pong clone with improved graphics and sound. PONG 2000 will take you on a journey through time, and show you Pong has been a basic element of exsistence. In the full version we'll take you in six stages and let you play those essential first moves in life. Through the first five stages you have to pass twenty tests of increasingly more difficult Pong reaction moves. The first stage will be the birth of the universe in which massive energy fields collide with giantic asteroids filled with rare elements. Huge gas clouds travel the vast amount of space. Here in deep space at the begining of time, you'll encouter your first Pong B.C. action. The second stage takes you to the time our little watery planet was being formed. In this huge bassin of living molecules at lot of bouncing up and down was happening. Still uncertain in their ways little organismes began to spring and made their first important moves: Pong B.C. moves. At the third stage time has progressed a little further. The first humanoids have taken over the earth. With big bats they start bashing every skull they meat. But hey, they are not alone on this planet. They we're forced to play Pong 300.000 B.C. even before your granny was born. The fourth stage is one of the intellectual fundamentals of our civilisation. The basis of the original Pong was being laid, when the first two humans started playing tennis. Pong 1500 was a reality. The fifth state is the wonderful world of Pong as we knew it in the seventies. Finally after all these years Pong has been computerized. The sixth and last stage consists of one giant stage in which a terrible space war is being fought with great machines dumping electerical discharges at each other. With an ever expanding universe, each stage grows bigger and bigger, the tests get harder and harder. Do you dare to try? How to play PONG 2000 PONG 2000 is played either with the joystick or the new Atari joypads. You can play with both at the same time, no need to change parameters. You start PONG 2000 by clicking PONG2000.PRG twice after you have copied every file into the same folder on your harddisk. You might see a little rubble: this does not mean you machine has crashed; your game is loading fine. After some time the music comes on and the title screen appears. Press fire (joypad button A) to continue. You now enter the selection screen. You can choose between PONG 2000, PONG DUEL, PONG CLASSIC (disabled in the demo) and Quit to Desktop. PONG 2000 starts a one player game of you against the computer. You play the right bat. After the information screen comes up, you can press fire button, and wait for the main game. As it starts the ball is hanging at the upper end of the stage. You can move it left and right, or release it by pressing the fire button. If you release it the ball will fall towards the black hole, on which it will bounce to your side! So be prepared by moving up and down to position your bat. After this your on your own. The ball will bounce against all non-moving obstacles. It will also bounce back from the front of your and the computers bat, but it will bounce up or down if you try to get it on your top or bottom of your bat. Be quick: react! If the ball bounces against the gas cloud or the little diamond, it will be altered in it's path in quite a random way, so watch out if the ball is heading towards one. The gas cloud in itself is neutral it might harm you, or protect you; it might harm the computer or protect it. The diamonds are power-ups or power-downs. You can enable most power-ups by hitting it with the ball AND being the last bat actually touching the ball. If the computer touches the ball last most of the power-ups will be cancelled. In all cases the next power-up will be released to drift into the stage. The black diamond gives your bat greater speed. This can be positive as you can get the ball easier, or negative because the speed you are used to is altered. The blue diamond glues the ball to your bat. By pressing the fire button you will release it. While glued the ball will follow your bats path. The green diamond gives you an extra life. Extra lifes will appear in the next round. The bright green diamond creates a very fast ball. The ball will automatically change it's direction toward the ennemy, but if the ennemy bounces it or the ball bounces against something different, have lighting reflexes or expect hell to pay. The red diamond creates a slow ball. If you just had fast ball than the ball will return to normal speed, if not then the ball is just going a little bit slower, although this doesn't mean it's neccesary easier! The bright red diamond wil make the ball fall. If the ball falss on the ennemies side you're saved and are of to the next test, but if it's on your side doom is your fate. If the ball thouches either the left or the right side it will fall. If it's the left side you win and move on to the next test. if it's the right side: pity you but you have lost a life and must try again. Lives left are displayed at the right upper corner. For every three test made an extra life is awarded. PONG DUEL is in all respects the same as PONG 2000, except for the small detail you'll need a friend to play. It's one on one in the Pong arena. All power-ups automatically fall to the one whose bat last touched the ball. Ball out is randomly distributed between the two players. It also bounces randomly from the black hole. You can play it until one player lost his last life after which victory and (almost) ever lasting glory goes to the other player. PONG CLASSIC is disabled in the demo Quit to Desktop quits the game, as the name suggests and returns to the desktop from which you launched PONG2000.PRG ************************* IMPORTANT **************************** * * * ORDER INFORMATION * * * **************************************************************** With the decline of the Atari ST market, there hasn't unfortunalty grown a big FALCON030 market. Therefore we publish this game ourselves. By making some hard choices we are enable to sell PONG 2000 for the low price of œ19.90, $29.90 or fl49,50. PONG 2000 is scheduled to be finished soon (hopefully december 1994). If you want the full version, please ask you local computer shop to order it either directly from us or via one of the wholesalers to be announced, if this is not possible please do not to hesitate to order directly form us. Please include payment (see international money transfer) Holland Game Design 's Gravelandseweg 127, 1217 ER, Hilversum The Netherlands We are a official business and are registered with the chambre of commerce of Hilversum registration number 56897, and are financially healthy and bank with the Postbank account number 400587. If you have second thoughts please check these references. If you have any question to ask do not hestitate to write us, or if you have e-mail e-mail us at: Joost.vanderleij@phil.ruu.nl We have the following discounts: Order reveived for the official release date: +/-5% disc. (œ18.90, $28.50, fl 47.00) Retailers discount on order of 2-9 parcels: +/-30% disc. (œ14.00, $21.00, fl 45.00) Wholesalers discount on order of 10 or more parcels: +/-50% disc. (œ10.00, $15.00, fl 25.00) We invite retailers and wholesalers to order. please fill in and send us the account application form with your order. We require pre-payement on the first 2-3 orders. Please include payment with order for rapid order handling. All orders with payment are send free of postage and packages charges. All others will be invoiced for postage and packages. Orders without pre-payment will receive a proforma invoice. Exclusive import rights are negotiable. Code is available for porting to other machine, please inquire. International money transfers: We prefer eurocheques paid out in dutch guilders, but we will accept all other methodes of paying excet for credit cards. Please contact us in case of doubts. *************************** IMPORTANT *************************** * * * ACCOUNT APPLICATION FORM * * * ***************************************************************** ACCOUNT APPLICATION FORM PLEASE OPEN A CREDIT ACCOUNT FOR THE FOLLOWING COMPANY: NAME: ADRES: ZIP: CITY: COUNTRY: PHONE: FAX: E-MAIL: VAT: WE BANK AT: NAME: ACCOUNT NUMBER: TRADE REFERENCE ONE: NAME: TRADE REFERENCE TWO: NAME: PLEASE OPEN A CREDIT ACCOUNT FOR THE AMOUNT OF: I UNDERSTAND THE FIRST TWO TO THREE ORDERS MAY BE ON A PRE- PAYMENT BASE. NAME: SIGNATURE: (NOT APPLICABLE THROUGH EMAIL) FUNCTION: PLEASE SEND THIS FORM TO: HOLLAND GAME DESIGN 'S GRAVELANDSEWEG 127 1217 ER HILVERSUM THE NETHERLANDS. OR BY EMAIL TO: JOOST.VANDERLEIJ@PHIL.RUU.NL NOW GO AND PLAY!