These are some of the file viewers supplied with Apex Animator on the Atari Falcon030 computer. (c) 1994/95 by Black Scorpion Developments. --------------------------------------- APXTGA24.TTP: Description: A full (yes FULL) 24-bit TARGA viewer for the Falcon030 and ST/STE. Supports: 16/24/32-bit compressed and uncompressed Targas. Colours: 16.7 Million (Falcon) 32,768 (STE) 4096 (STFM) Other: Uses scaling & supersampling to allow images larger than visible resolution to be viewed on VGA/RGB/TV monitors without pixel deterioration. --------------------------------------- APXGIF18.TTP: Description: A super-quick 18-bit 256-colour GIF viewer for the Falcon. Supports: GIF87a/GIF89a (except interlaced lines - soon to be added) Colours: 256 from 262,144 Other: There is another version of this viewer for use with RGB/TV/SVGA monitors which can display the full palette of 16.7 Million colours. --------------------------------------- For information on Apex, please contact: Titan Designs, 6 Witherford Way, Selly Oak, Birmingham. B29 4AX