Atari Rolling Falcon030 Demo The Atari Rolling Demo is meant to work on a 4Mb Ram Falcon030 in VGA mode from the hard drive. To install simply copy the contents of each disk to new folder on your hard drive called "DEMO" or whatever you like. To run just enter that directory and double click on "DEMO.PRG". The files are write protected for safety. It will act as a self running demo by automatically playing music and asking someone to make a selection of the topics available. If no selection is made after about 3-5 minutes it will select a topic at random and play it itself. The mouse button will cut the speech from the demo at any point in a display/text loop. The program uses the computer's sound level setting so make sure it is not set to loud. The demo works very well with a good set of external speaker connected to the headphone socket of the Falcon. To get out of the demo you will need to use a the password at the main screen. The password is followed by . This will get you back to the Falcon desktop. The program takes about 11Mb of hard drive and can be run from the Auto folder or desktop.