Testing? Testing? TESTING? 1? 2? 3? Can you all hear me OK? Can you hear me? All Right, Then, I will proceed. I am Asking all of you to call the AtlantiST Base B.B.S. in Toms River New Jersey at the following telephone number: 2.0.1.. 2.8.6... Did you get that? Well, Listen again. 2.0.1.. 2.8.6... Did you get that? Well, Listen again. 2.0.1.. 2.8.6... All right, you should have it down by now. The AtlantiST Base B.B.S.--, that's A? T? L? A? N? T? I? capital S. capital T. Atlanti S.T. is an amazingly good Bulletin Board Service and it is completely free. The board currently has over several hundred downloads for your enjoyment. They are all in the public domain. There are 1 thousand messages? We have several hundred users and we are, of course, twenty mega bytes. So call the A? T? L? A? N? T? I? S? T? Bulletin Board. Tell them Karl sent you. By the way, we are open access....... Hope to see you soon at 201? 286? 6189? Hurry, Hurry? See you Soon??