Deluxe MJUZAKK Zerbastel Kit is shareware. That means, it may and should be spread (only complete) and tested freely in the unregistered version. But that means too, that the unregistered version is usable as a player rather good, but if you use it for song-editing, the noiseful pause after every play-break should get on your nerves. This is no bug, but a method to let you save the money for two bad CD's and send these 75DM (50$) to us! You should send us a letter, too, with your adress, your opinion and your personal codenumber (or should i say code-string). This string will be generated by MJUZAKK, if you enter your name and address in the registration form (options menu). A simple way is to send us the printed file REGISTER.TXT, that will be generated on the harddisk at the same time. If the money is here, you will receive an answer with your 'personal happiness code' that enables you to make yourself a registered full- version out of the stressing demoversion. !!! Of course, the spreading of your personal code or your personal file MJUZAKK.REG is forbidden!!! Please send the money and your letter to: Bernhard Kirsch Tuerkismuehlerstr. 27 D-66113 Saarbruecken Germany E-mail: Konto 278 818 265, BLZ 590 501 01, Sparkasse Saarbruecken Of course, your money will help to develop Deluxe Mjuzakk. Bye then and maybe we'll hear of eachother.....