ASS_READ.TXT 12/16/90 As mentioned in the PATTERNER 1.3 manual in the section about CYCLES you can use different available Assemblers to modify and re-assemble the supplied CYCLES.LIB. 1) CYCLES.Q -> PROFIASS, DEVPAC The main source file is 'CYCLES.Q' and contains all labels and symbols with the same names as they appear in the manual. This file was created with the PROFIASS assembler and is identical with 'CYCLES.LIB' from the program disk. If you use the PROFIASS be sure to use PC-relative mode and save your code as .B file (binary file). For DEVPAC you won't have to change the source code. Simply assemble it as object code .O without headers and not to be linked! 2) CYCLES.ASM -> GST_ASM The source file for GST_ASM format is derived from 'CYCLES.Q' also it as been modified so that labels are not longer than 8 characters. If assembling with the GST_ASM assembler be sure to call the assembler.TTP using this commands line -NOLINK. which creates non-linkable output. Important note: Even if you assemble the very same file with the above mentioned assemblers you will notice differences in file size of the created code. This has to do with different ways of optimization.