You may order Solutions directly at Elan Software 550 Boul. Charest Est P.O. Box 30232 Qu‚bec, PQ Canada G1K 8Y2 T‚l.: (418) 692-0565 (call collect) Fax : (418) 683-9189 CompuServe: 70471,3676 GEnie: P.DUBE Please fill the order form below and return it to the address above: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to order ____ copie(s) of Solutions for Atari at a unit price of US $99.95 (CDN $119.95). You will find, enclosed, my payment for a total of _________. Canadian residents, add the 7% federal tax. Qu‚bec residents, add the 8% tax. Price and specifications are subject to change. Name: ______________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ City: ________________________________________ Phone: __________________________ Payment: ( ) cheque ( ) VISA #: ___________________________ expiry date: __/__ ( ) money-order Signature: ____________________________ ( ) Je d‚sire une version fran‡aise.