(* DIP Rational Groebner Bases Definition Module. *) DEFINITION MODULE DIPRNGB; FROM MASSTOR IMPORT LIST; PROCEDURE DIGBC3(B,PLI,PLJ,EL: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive polynomial groebner basis criterion 3. B is a non empty list of reduction sets. pi and pj are distributive polynomials. e is the least common multiple of the leading exponent vectors of pi and pj. s=1 if the reduction of pi and pj is necessary s=0 else. *) PROCEDURE DIGBC4(PLI,PLJ,EL: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive polynomial groebner basis criterion 4. pi and pj are polynomials in distributive representation. e is the least common multiple of the leading exponent vectors of pi and pj. s=1 if the reduction of pi and pj is necessary s=0 else. *) PROCEDURE DIGBMI(P: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive minimal ordered groebner basis. P is a list of non zero rational polynomials in distributive representation in r variables. PP is the minimal normed and ordered groebner basis. *) PROCEDURE DILCPL(P: LIST; VAR D,B: LIST); (*Distributive polynomial list construct pair list. P is list of polynomials in distributive representation in r variables. B is the polynomials pairs list and D is the pairs list. *) PROCEDURE DILUPL(PL,P,D,B: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive polynomial list update pair list. P is list of polynomials in distributive representation in r variables. B is the polynomials pairs list and D is the pairs list. p is a non zero polynomial in distributive representation. D, P and B are modified. DP is the updated pairs list. *) PROCEDURE DIRGBA(PL,P,TF: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive rational polynomial groebner basis augmentation. P is a groebner basis of polynomials in distributive representation in r variables. p is a polynomial. PP is the groebner basis of (P,p). t is the trace flag.*) PROCEDURE DIRGBR(P,TF: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive rational polynomial groebner basis recursion. P is a list of rational polynomials in distributive representation in r variables. PP is the groebner basis of P. t is the trace flag.*) PROCEDURE DIRLIS(P: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive rational polynomial list irreducible set. P is a list of distributive rational polynomials, PP is the result of reducing each p element of P modulo P-(p) until no further reductions are possible. *) PROCEDURE DIRPGB(P,TF: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive rational polynomials groebner basis. P is a list of rational polynomials in distributive representation in r variables. PP is the groebner basis of P. t is the trace flag.*) PROCEDURE DIRPNF(P,S: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive rational polynomial normal form. P is a list of non zero polynomials in distributive rational representation in r variables. S is a distributive rational polynomial. R is a polynomial such that S is reducible to R modulo P and R is in normalform with respect to P. *) PROCEDURE DIRPSP(A,B: LIST): LIST; (*Distributive rational polynomial S polynomial. A and B are rational polynomials in distributive representation. C is the S polynomial of A and B. *) PROCEDURE EVPLM(L1,L2: LIST): LIST; (*Exponent vector pair-list merge. L1 and L2 are pair-lists of exponent vectors in non decreasing order. L is the merge of L1 and L2. L1 and L2 are modified to produce L. *) PROCEDURE EVPLSO(A: LIST): LIST; (*Exponent vector pair-list sort. A is a list of pair-lists. B is the result of sorting A into non-decreasing order. Pairs of elements of A are merged. The list A is modified to produce B. *) END DIPRNGB.