BATCHMON v2.1 The simple batch monitor by Ian "I didn't really do this" Lepore ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.1 added the following new features: - Support for environment strings. - The ability to change the default and exe paths. - It can be compiled with a vanilla Sozobon C setup. Anything using my custom libraries has been converted to the dLibs functions, or has been included in source form. Version 2.0 added the following new features: - Big batch files. - A couple built-in commands to help lighten up on floppy disk I/O. - Something that works well with TurboST's bugs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Batch Files ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Batch files are a series of command statements with optional parameters to be processed by the command. Some commands are processed internally by the monitor; anything that doesn't fall into the internal category is assumed to be a program command, and it is Pexec'd. Batch files can contain variables, and the value of those variables can be supplied at runtime, with the batch monitor substituting the runtime text for the variable symbols as they are encountered in the batch file. The commands in the batch file are not case-sensitive. The first word on each line (command or program name) will be forced to uppercase internally, but the rest of the command line (parms to passed to the called program) are NOT changed in terms of case. When specifying program names, a drive and path specification may be included as part of the program name, if necessary. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Internal Commands ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The batch monitor recognizes the following internal commands: COM REM - These commands are totally ignored, allowing you to insert comments in your batch files. In addition to these, any line starting with '!', '*', or ';' will be considered a comment, but the character MUST be in column 1. DEL DELETE - These commands delete 1-10 files, as specified on the rest of the command line. Example: DEL myfile1.txt myfile2.txt DELETE %1.tmp %1.obj WAIT PAUSE - These commands stop and wait for you to hit a key. Any parms on the line will be ignored, so you can include comments on the line that pauses the run. RCSTOP NORCSTOP - These commands turn on or off a flag which will stop and prompt you if any program returns a non-zero return code. Some compiler pieces are smart enough to exit with a non-zero code if errors occurred. Some badly written programs always (or randomly) return non-zero. You can use these codes to toggle the status on and off around such programs. When the batch montitor starts, the default is RCSTOP. Example: NORCSTOP Stupid 'badprog' always returns 1! BADPROG.PRG parm1 %1 %2 parm2 RCSTOP Resume RC checking. Note that parms are ignored, so you can put comments on same line as the commands. SETENV - This command allows access to the environment string that will be passed to all called programs. Whatever follows the 'setenv' on the command line is passed to the dLibs 'putenv()' function as is. The rules for 'putenv' are as follows: = The first format (just a variable name) will remove that variable from the current env string if it exists. The second format allows you to set a variable to a string. Example: SETENV PATH=c:\bin\;a:\ SETENV INCLUDE (I have no idea whether this command works. If the dLibs putenv() function works, then this should. I have no easy way of testing it, though.) EXEPATH - This command allows you to set a new path which BATCHMON will use to find the programs specified in the rest of the batch file. Note that this does not affect the DOS default path; any programs run by BATCHMON will inherit the current default path (either the path BATCHMON was run from, or the path specified in the last 'DEFPATH' command). The pathname you specify for this command may include a drive, and it may end with a '\' character or not, at your preference. Examples: EXEPATH c:\bin EXEPATH \sozobon\bin EXEPATH The last example is equivelant to specifying '\'; it sets the path to the root of the current default drive. DEFPATH - This command sets the DOS default path. Unless you have used the EXEPATH command, this will affect BATCHMON (and where it will look for the programs you want run). It will always affect the programs called by BATCHMON; those programs will also inherit the specified default path. If you specify a drive letter as part of the path, that drive will become the new default drive. You may specify a trailing '\' character or not, as you prefer. Examples: DEFPATH \data DEFPATH d:\source\ DEFPATH The last example is equivelant to specifying '\'; it sets the path to the root of the current default drive. Internal commands (and indeed, anything) can be entered in upper, lower, or mixed case in the batch file. The first word on each line (the command or program name) is upper-cased by the program internally, and the rest of the text and variables are left in the original case. Note that the desktop uppercases things typed into a .TTP dialog box. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Variables ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Variables in the batch file are %0 through %9. The percent sign followed by a single digit will always be interpreted as a variable. A percent sign followed by anything else is not, so you don't have to double up on percent signs to get a single one, as with some systems. On the other hand, there is no way to include the literal text "%1", it will always be interpreted as a variable. The variable '%0' is a special case: It is the name of the batch file that's running. Note that it is the name that was passed to the batch monitor, or typed by the user, and if it didn't have ".BAT" on it at that time, it won't at substitution (even if the monitor had to tack on a ".BAT" to open the file successfully, this doesn't find its way into '%0'). I dunno if the '%0' variable will ever be useful to anyone, but it's a sort of freebie in the way the parser works). The variables '%1' through '%9' correspond to the first through ninth words you passed to the batch monitor at startup (or typed in when prompted). By 'words' I mean groups of characters delimited by spaces. I think it's about time for an example. Suppose you have the following batch file: COM XMPL.BAT - A stupid example file. compile %1.c asm %2.s link newprog=startup %1.obj %2.o %3 And then suppose you click on BATCHMON.TTP from the desktop, and enter the following in the dialog box (or you enter BATCHMON in your shell, followed by these parms): xmpl cprog asmprog some,link,parms Then the batch monitor would do the substitutions as follows: COM XMPL.BAT - A stupid example file. compile cprog.c asm asmprog.s link newprog=startup cprog.obj asmprog.o some,link,parms Notice that the commas weren't the batch monitor. They are to most linkers, and that can be handy. If your batch file contains a '%3' variable (for example), and you only typed 2 parms at runtime, you will see a warning message, and the '%3' will disappear. (You will only be warned on the first occurance of each non-existant variable.) This lets you implement 'optional' variables in your batch files. In the above example, if you didn't enter the third parameter ('some,link,parms'), the last line would have substituted to: link newprog=startup cprog.obj asmprog.o The first word on a line in a batch file cannot be a variable (it won't get substituted); that is, you can't execute a command or program via a variable-supplied name. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- General Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The batch monitor can be run as a .TOS or .TTP. If you run it from desktop as a .PRG you'll get ugly output. You can run it from within a shell, if the shell doesn't have a batch/script facility. The first parm you pass to the BATCHMON program should be the name of a batch file, which usually ends in .BAT (it don't have to, but if you just pass the name MYBATCH the program will assume MYBATCH.BAT). The second through tenth parms (optional) correspond the the variables %1-%9. If you don't pass any parms, the program will prompt you to enter the batch filename and parms. A handy way to use the batch monitor is a method which doesn't use variables. You build a custom .BAT file to compile the application you're working on (don't put any % variables in the batch file), and then install BATCHMON.TTP as an application on the desktop for file type ".BAT". Then, when you double-click on "filename.BAT", it'll fire up the monitor and run the batch file. Make sure the last command in the batch file is a WAIT/PAUSE so you can view the output before returning to desktop. If you're using this method, you can still run batch files which use variables by clicking on BATCHMON.TTP and typing in the batch file name and parms. To give the programs you're running in batch the appearance of commands, it's not necessary to add the .PRG part of the program name. The batch monitor checks for a file type, and if there is one, fine; if not, it adds ".PRG". When you are prompted for input (even single-char Y or N type), you will have to hit . No hotkey input for this kid! The batch monitor does all it's console I/O with BIOS calls. This may defeat any I/O redirection you have in effect, but it sure makes life easier if you have the fast-but-buggy TurboST software installed. Good ol' TurboST makes a lot of DOS console calls buggy. This version of the monitor is a little bigger than the last one (almost 10k!), but it should only matter to a floppy disk user, who'll notice a slightly longer load time. The builtin wait and delete commands should help a lot, though. Also, I haven't checked but I'll bet the runtime memory usage is about 15-17k, I used lots of wasteful buffers (and now, the wasteful dLibs runtime library). This monitor was intended to emulate the one delivered with the original ST developer's package. Not that that was a great batch monitor that deserves emulation, it's just that ALL my batch files (litterally hundreds) are set up for that. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes about use with the Alcyon Compiler ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A typical batch file to compile the application FUNPROG might look like the following example (on my system, drive G is a ramdisk)... CP68 FUNPROG.C g:FUNPROG.I C068 g:FUNPROG.I g:FUNPROG.1 g:FUNPROG.2 g:FUNPROG.3 -f C168 g:FUNPROG.1 g:FUNPROG.2 g:FUNPROG.S DELETE g:FUNPROG.I g:FUNPROG.1 g:FUNPROG.2 MAC -6 -v -og:FUNPROG.o g:FUNPROG.s DELETE g:FUNPROG.S aln -w -v -o FUNPROG.prg apstart.o g:FUNPROG.o libi.bnd DELETE g:FUNPROG.O WAIT A 'generic' batch file to compile a C application whose name is supplied when the batch is started might look like... CP68 %1.C g:%1.I C068 g:%1.I g:%1.1 g:%1.2 g:%1.3 -f C168 g:%1.1 g:%1.2 g:%1.S DELETE g:%1.I g:%1.1 g:%1.2 MAC -6 -v -og:%1.o g:%1.s DELETE g:%1.S aln -w -v -o %1.prg apstart.o g:%1 libi.bnd %2 %3 %4 %5 DELETE g:%1.O WAIT If you started BATCHMON and supplied the single parameter 'FUNPROG', this batch file would run exactly like the previous example. If you supplied the parameters as 'FUNPROG VDI.LIB AES.LIB', the batch would run like the previous example except that your VDI and AES libraries would be added to the linker's command line. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes for use with the Sozobon Compiler ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sozobon C includes a 'cc' driver program which replaces the need for batch files, if you are using a command shell. Because some of the compiler pieces recognize case-sensitive switches, it is virtually impossible to run Sozobon C directly from the desktop (and from some shells), because all command line parms get forced to uppercase. Using BATCHMON in place of 'cc' allows you to get around these problems, and allows you to direct the intermediate files during the compiler passes to a ramdisk, something which is not available when using 'cc'. Also, the Sozobon compiler pieces make certain assumptions about the paths where things can be found, and allow you to override these assumptions using envstring variables, so BATCHMON includes support for setting env strings. The following examples again assume device G is a ramdisk... If Sozobon has been installed exactly as described in it's docs... hcc %1.c top %1.s g:%1.s jas -o g:%1.o g:%1.s DEFPATH \sozobon\lib ld -o %1.prg dstart.o g:%1.o dlibs.a otherlib.a DELETE %1.s g:%1.s g:%1.o WAIT Notice that DEFPATH in that example was used before the linker, so that the linker can find its input files in the location Sozobon recommends installing them. Here's an example of one of my batch files, in which I use the Atari 'aln' linker as the final step to the Sozobon compiler... hcc %1.c top %1.s g:%1.s jas -o g:%1.o g:%1.s d:\aln -o %1.prg apstart.o g:%1.o libi gemlib vdilib aeslib DELETE %1.s g:%1.s g:%1.o WAIT Note that the aln linker lives on a different drive than the Sozobon stuff, but rather than changing the default or EXE paths, I just explicitly enter the full path to run for aln. As a further example, when I get a new release of Sozobon for testing, I put it in its own folder, and add to the start of the batch file the line 'DEFPATH F:\NEWSOZ'. If you are installing Sozobon on a floppy disk system, you may get some performance mileage out of the following concepts... Put all the executable files in the root directory of the floppy disk, along with the big library files. Put the most-used header files in a ramdisk, leave the rest on floppies, and work your source in the ramdisk or on floppy (whichever feels safer). Your batch file might look like: (ramdisk is C) EXEPATH A:\ ! The following line will cause the source & intermediate ! files to be worked on the ramdisk... DEFPATH C:\ SETENV INCLUDE=C:\;A:\ hcc a:\%1.c top %1.s jas %1.s ! Default path back to a:\ for link (lib files are on A). DEFPATH A:\ ld -o %1.prg dstart.o c:%1.o dlibs.a WAIT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Statement of Public Domain ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This code is placed into the public domain, and all rights and copyrights to the code are waived. Yep, you can abuse this beast in any way you see fit. You can even include it as part of your commercial application, if you are foolish enough to do so. This code has been distributed both independantly, and as an adjunct to the Sozobon C PD compiler; it does not carry the same copyright restrictions as the rest of the Sozobon compiler, however. I'll be happy to look at any bugs you discover, if you can get your comments to me. I can be reached on the national STadel network (as 'Ian'), and on BIX as userid 'ianl'. Ian Lepore 11-05-88