ICON FIXER V 1.0 This small program fixes the icons in your (TERA) desktops icons- resource. By this I mean the following: - centers the text under the icon - puts the text just under the icon (some rcs find it necessary to put the text over the icon....) - sets the txt-length for the icon to 12 chars (small charset..) - sets the object width according to txt-length (9 chars..) - sets object height to 2 chars and 8 pixels (should be sufficient) These latter two are too necessary to fix the messe some rcs make of a decent icon. For the sake of some icons I allowed icons to be larger than 32 * 32 pixels. There is some error checking in the prog (see the source) it bails out if there's more than one tree, or other structures than iconblocks. During the fix it checks if the object it's currently fixing is an icon. If not bye bye... I compiled it with the ARGV startup code of Pure C so it should be able to dig that too... PUBLIC DOMAIN This small tool and it's source is public domain. So copy it (for free), modify it etc. Just one restriction if you alter things in the source mention that in the header, leave my name in (except when you add a fully automatic harddisk formatter or a ingenius tool like it....) and if you give it to somebody else give the poor guy the whole package (means: FIX_ICNS.TXT FIX_ICNS.C FIX_ICNS.TTP) Just for the record: USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISC!!!! I wrote this program as a small tool it didn't mess up my icons- resources, so I released it with my brothers TERA-desktop. If it totally demolishes your ultra great 1048576 bytes icons resource or whatever you tried to feed it, don't come to me complaining! Furthermore if someone alters the source I can't really take responsibility for that. NEW VERSIONS If I should encounter a bug in it I will make a new version and release it, probably on some BBS (MBH or whatever...). The coder of this: Ric Klaren Schiestraat 74 7523 TH Enschede (The Netherlands)