Dungeon Master Spell List compiled by Walt Wakefield When you cast a spell it requires at least two symbols. You can use any of the power symbols with any of the other spells. The following list does not include the power symbols so just use whatever power level your champion can use. I don't know what three of the spells do. I also don't know what the Zokathra spell is for but it does create an object that you can pick up and throw. The caster column is not completely accurate. I have not found a spell that uses the GOR symbol. Symbols Effect Caster ------------------------------------------------------------ YA = Stamina potion (you need a empty flask) Priest YA IR = A shield that covers the whole party Wizard YA BRO = Magic shield potion (flask) Priest YA BRO ROS = ? Wizard YA BRO DAIN= Wisdom potion (flask, temporary) Priest YA BRO NETA= Vitality potion (flask, temporary) Priest VI = Restore health potion (flask) Priest VI BRO = Cure poison potion (flask) Priest OH VEN = Poison cloud Priest OH EW RA = See through walls Priest OH EW SAR = ? Wizard OH KATH RA = Fireball ? Wizard OH IR RA = Light Wizard OH BRO ROS = Dexterity potion (flask, temporary) Priest FUL = Torch Wizard FUL IR = Fireball Wizard FUL BRO KU = Strenght potion (flask, temporary) Priest FUL BRO NETA=A shield that covers the whole party ? DES VEN = Poison missle Wizard DES EW = Weakens non-material beings missle Wizard DES IR SAR = ? Priest ZO = Opens doors missle Wizard ZO VEN = Poison potion (flask) Priest ZO KATH RA = Zokathra spell Wizard ZO BRO RA = Mana potion (flask) Priest I compiled this all in one sitting. I will not guarantee that the list is complete but it is awful close. Hint If your champion does not have enough mana, cast as many symbols as you can then let your party sleep( be sure you are in a safe place before sleeping ), when your mana recovers you can complete the spell and then cast it when you need it.