How to get the source of the TXT program: ========================================= The Modula-2/ST source of the TXT program can be ordered as follows: Send Hfl 25.- (The Netherlands), BF 500 (Belgium), DM 25.- (Germany), or 8 Pounds (England) to the author. Please indicate that you want the source of the Atari-ST version of TXT. (I also made a IBM-PC version). Use an international money order, a eurocheque or make a direct payment to my bankaccount: Rabobank, Sint-Michielsgestel, The Netherlands, Account Nbr: 1336.88.550. For The Netherlands: Postgiro: 780614. 11-Dec-88, Harrie F.A. de Leeuw, Papaverstraat 24, 5271 RB Sint-Michielsgestel, The Netherlands.