Documentation for "BATCH.PRG" ============================= This program is designed to execute different programs in a row, like a "AUTOEXE.BAT" on MS-DOS machines. So you may preset your computer to a necessary state for a dedicated application, e.g. automatically run the installation program for SIGNUM and than SIGNUM itself by just doubleclicking "BATCH.PRG". Or you automatically may enter a compiler after finishing the interpreter. Another use could be changing the frequency of the monitor with CHANGEHZ.PRG, then run an application and after that change the frequency back to the default value. How to define "BATCH.LST": In this file all the programs to be started one after the other are listed in the following way by using an ASCII-editor: 3 !amount of programs to run K:\PRINTER\TOOLS !path SPOOL.PRG !program K:\MONITOR CHANGEHZ.PRG C:\ !NOTE: root directory! SHELL.PRG In the first line is the number of programs to be started.