.------------------------.-------------------------.-----------------------. | General Commands | Message Commands | File Commands | | ---------------------- | ----------------------- | --------------------- | | (A)bandon conference | (E)nter new message | (D)ownload file | | (B)ulletins | (K)ill last message | (L)ist files | | (C)hat with sysop | (M)essage information | (T)ype from ARChive | | (G)ood bye (logoff) | (Q)uick message scan | (U)pload file | | (I)nfo about system | (R)eply to message | (V)iew in ARChive | | (J)oin conference | (W)rite to ARChive '-----------------------| | (N)orwegian chars | (Y)our messages (+)(.)(-) Next/Same/Prev | | (P)ersonal data | (Z)kip messages (RETURN) Unread messages | | (S)how users | (#) Read message # (>)(<) Thread Next/Prev | |------------------------|-------------------------------------------------| | Download as HELP.TXT | More help in Bulletin 0 - Download BULLETIN.0 | '------------------------'-------------------------------------------------'