The MAILMODE file ================= The MAILMODE file is used to control the operation of the BATCHMAI program, see batchmai(1). It is a common text file consisting of lines in one of two formats: smtpcsite S 16 64 smtpsite S smtpfsite S F 64 rmailsite R (indentation only for clarity). The first line says that the remote site smtpcsite gets mail batched to 64KB and compressed with 16 bits for the r-command "rcsmtp". If the compression bit number is 0, no compression takes place and the r-command is "rsmtp". If the batch size is 0, then every mail "batch" will contain exactly one mail. Both number fields are optional and will be treated as 0 if missing, as shown in the second line: smtpsite will get mail "batches" of one mail message each, uncompressed and addressed to the r-command "rsmtp". The third line is similar to the first, but smtpfsite gets mail frozen (with freeze(1)) instead of compressed. The r-command is "rfsmtp". The fourth line is really unnecessary because rmail mode is the default for sites not mentioned in the MAILMODE file. Rmail mode is the run-of-the-mill mode that should work with any UUCP system. Empty lines and lines starting with a '#' character are ignored.