Documentation for F_POINT Florian Rupp on 2:248/107.2 Introduction F_POINT is a program for FIDO points. You may read your mails and subscribe areas without the problem of big phone bills. You may also request files from every FIDO box around the world. A warranty cannot be given on the function of the program and the integrity of datas on your disks. Remember that this program is shareware, if you use it quite often, please pay 20.- DM to the address listed below. If you are a student, please include a copy of your students proof and you only have to pay 10.- DM. Cheques are also accepted. You will need an external ZMODEM Program. It is recommended to use GSRZ. Unfortunately it works only with the registered version, but you may test any instead. You should choose an editor for writing your messages. Select it and enter the parameters needed for it. %s stands for the file to be edited. Thanks to Frank Siedlaczek for the possibility to test my program and to Uwe Balser for helping me to debug EMSI. Remember that these authors also want their share. You may get a key, which will enable the extended features. This must not be published. It is registered and unique for every registration. It will be sent to your email address, so please include include it. Thank you for coorporation. How to get started At first you have to install this program. Remember, it will occopy at least 500 kB space on your harddisk. You also need approximately 5 MB for the mail folder and your filelists. By default, all folders will be installed on the same drive. If you don't want that, you have to move them and you have to change the path, which is explained below. For installation, copy the file F_POINT.TOS to the root directory of your hard drive. Double click on it and it will expand itself. After that, you may erase F_POINT.TOS . Open now the folder FIDO. In the folder RTS_PATCH you may choose one program for installation in your auto folder. This is needed, because the RTS/CTS routines on your ATARI are buggy. Replace them using one of these programs. Now you have to ask your sysop for a point number and have to give him a password. He will change his system and you have to change yours too. It is easier for you to choose the packer LZH. This one is preinstalled and you don't have to change the setup for it. Start F_POINT and look at the menu. Under the title Parameters you will find the entry Point. Select it and a dialog window will appear. Enter your username, your address and your password here. The program asks you for the phone number of your boss node. You also have to choose your system name, like F_POINT Writer. Then you may change the origin. It is common to write a little joke there, like Unable to locate coffee - operator halted. Then you should choose a little handle for the system you poll (others system). FIDO is predefined, but you may also choose ADULT and so on. Now select O.K. After having done all that you may have to change the modem settings. At first, you have to alter the modem reset string. This string will be sent before each dialing command. The wildcard %r stands for return and ~ stands for a one second delay. The next one is the dialing string. The normal one is atdp%s%r. %s stands for the actual number to be dialed and %r will be replaced by return. Abort messages like ERROR will abort the connection attempt and retry messages like BUSY will cause an redial to occur. Max Ringinging must only be activated, if the modem returns proper RINGING messages. It is included, because FrontDoor and other FIDO mailers fail if you let your modem ringing too long. If you enter 3, the modem will hang up automatically after 3 RINGING messages. Entering 0 desactivates that feature. Select O.K. and exit that dialog. Select the word Netmail on the areas window. It will open a new, empty window. Select New Mail in the pulldown menu Mail . The editor will be started and you should enter a message to your sysop saying that you have polled successfully. Save your text and exit the editor. You should then enter the name of your sysop like Frank Siedlaczek on the blank name field. Enter a subject like Hi Sysop . Save it by selecting Save. Now write a mail to the pseudo user AreaFix with your password as subject : %INFO %LIST %HELP Area 1 you would like to have delivered Area 2 you would like to have delivered Area 3 you would like to have delivered Area 4 you would like to have delivered ... After all, choose your ZMODEM-Programs using the Path option. Select Transfer and your boss system will be called. You have made your first poll. Windows There are five types of windows : Dialogs Its like the normal GEM dialog, but you may have up to eight dialogs opened at the same time. Shortcuts are also supported. You only have to press Alternate + the underlined letter. For example : If the letter A is underlined press [Alternate] A . You may also move the dialogs. You may handle them like ordinary windows. If you select the close handle, the Abort button will be selected. You may also cause this action by pressing [Alternate]A or UNDO. Windows In Windows, you have multiple commands. At first you may sroll using the cursor keys like normal texts. Pressing the [Shift] button with cursor keys scrolls pagewise. Pressing UNDO or F1 causes the window to be closed, like the Close handle. In some windows you may select items : Areas-Window The Areas-Window displays all areas currently avaiable. Selecting one will display all messages in it using the messages window. You may only have one opened at the same time. An area name preceeded by the = sign indicates that new messages have arrived in this area. Messages-Window The messages window displays all messages in the current area. You may click one in order to view it. You may also write messages. They will be written to the Area called Local. Some messages are marked with the letters A,I,R,P,* . They have special functions : * This message will be sent on next poll. P This message is private e.g it is directly sent to the addressee. I A receipt will be generated on arrival. R The addressee has read this message. A Every system transmitting this message will generate a receipt. \\ = You have not been read this message till now. Note that the flags A,I,R are often not supported by the receiving system. F_POINT will automatically generate these receipts. They will be written to the Local area. You may toggle the * flag if you want to have a message to be resent, or if you don't want to have to have it transmitted by pressing the left [Shift] key and selecting the message you want to toggle. Note that this only works on messages entered by you e.g messages written to the Local area. You may sometimes see grey lines. These lines may not be selected and have a special function. They indicated the time when tossing was finished and will be removed on cleanup. All messages _above_ this line were tossed after this date. Message-Window You may view a single message here. The sender and the addresee of the message will be shown on top of the window. Selecting a line will have no effect. Nodelist-Window The nodelist will be shown. File-Window You may view a file. It may be used like the message or the nodelist window. File Transfer A dialog will appear and all systems with the Auto Transfer button selected are selected. Choose your ones and press the Transfer button. All selected systems in this dialog will be called. After that, the received file will be automatically exploded and tossed. You may read the received message then. If the system is not marked for Auto Transfer, you may poll it using Filerequest, which is explained below. Filerequest This function has two purposes : It enables you to get files from systems far away without the need to fill out stupid questions. You decide which files to get offline, without paying phone fees. After that you push a button and the remote system will be called automatically. The files are sent and the line is relased. It saves approximately five minutes and you may drink a cup of coffee while requesting. On the other hand, you may send private Netmails directly to the remote system. You can be sure whether it has arrived or not. These things can be done via Filerequest. If you select it, a dialog will appear and you should enter the nodenumber first. It is a number of the format :/. as you might also know from the message window. After that you should enter the phonenumber. As a help you may search the phonenumber directly using the button below. The number will be searched. If nothing appears, the node is not listed in the nodelist. Check this section for help. If three dashes appear, the node you want to call is temporarily inoperatible. The mail will be sent to its coordinator, eg. his hub. If you leave the phonenumber blank, you may dial manually and press the VOICE/DATA switch after you have heard the carrier. In the editable lines below you may enter the filename. After each filename you may enter the password of this file. The password always begins with '!'. You may also read filelists. A filelist should always have the name F.LST. It may also have the name .LST, F.LST .LST if the other name is too long. For example : A filelist of 2:248/107 should be called F2248107.LST . However, a filelist of 2:2401/1007 may not be called like the first one : You should call it 24011007.LST . After all you only have to copy it to the FILELIST folder. If you name it this way, you may easily browse it using Show Filelist. If you have none, request a file called FILES. You will get the current filelist in a packed format. The last three lines are a little bit special. There you may enter a filename and a password like in the upper ones and you also have the possibility to choose a date and a time. If you select '+/-', you will get all files younger than the entered date. If you don't select it, you will get all files older than this date. For example : You have all fido news till the 1st October 1992 and you want to get all released after this date. Enter fnews*.*, enter the date 1-10-92 and the time 00:00. Note that all the dates must be entered in the german format day-month-year. If you select the button Request, the request will start. If you have to poll messages form this address, it will also be done. Cleanup The cleanup function removes all messages elder than the entered number of days from disk. You may choose whether you want to exclude personal Netmails and mails entered from you. Select Cleanup and the disk space used for elder messages will be relased. Save & Print The contents of the current window will be appened to a file or printed. If you select save, you may choose a file. If you save a Nodelist-Window or print it, only the currently shown contents are saved or printed. New mail, Answer with Quote, Answer without Quote A file named MAIL.TMP will be created. The contents are quite different. If you are reading a message, you may select Answer with Quote or Answer without Quote. The message will be written to a file. Each line will begin with an arrow >. Answer without Quote causes the file to be empty. You may now edit your message. If you are finished, save your message. You may predefine the subject, the destination address and the destination name using : @TONAME:Florian Rupp Florian Rupp is the name of the addressee @TOADDRESS:2:248/107.2 is the address @SUBJECT:RE: F_POINT is the subject stands for the normal SPACE sign. These values may be changed using the following dialog box. If none the these lines appears, the appropriate box lines will be left blank. Note that these kludges do not appear in the formatted mail text. Therefore they must be entered as they are described. You will see a dialog then which will ask you for the addressee of your message. If you are writing a message without a special addressee, type 'All'. If you want to address it to someone enter the name of him. If your mail is private, select Private and enter the address of him in the format Zone:Net/Node.Point . If you leave it blank, the address of your bossnode will be used. After that, you should enter a subject, a one line summary of your message like 'Problems with F_POINT'. If you want to attach a file to the message, which will be sent with this message, you have to note the following : A message with attched files must be sent directly to the other system. You have to crash it using Filerequest. You cannot send Fileattaches in echo mails, it is only allowed in Netmails. If you do a Fileattach, the subject field must not be changed. If the file is not a found, a Fileerror will occur while packing. You may then choose the origin. It is normally the predefined sentence in the parameters. You may change it, if you want to use a special one. After all you may change you address using the upper Aka button which will toggle your address. It will be exported to the system listed left of the System Aka button. Using that one you may change the system to whom you want to export your message. After all you may set flags which will cause the following actions : Private This causes the message to be a Netmail. Arrived Receipt will be returned, if the message successfully arrived. Read Receipt will be returned, if the message was read by the addressee. Audit every system transmitting it will return a Netmail. Note that these receipts, especially of the type Read Receipt or Audit are often ignored. They often cause big network traffic and should therefore be used with care. If you want to post a message to an area non existent on your system you may change the areaname manually. After having done all work, you may save the message using \bf Save \rm. It will be written to the area called Local and transmitted on next poll. Parameters Point-Parameters Pointaddress your own address in the format Zone:Net/Node.Point Username your username, must be normally your real name but in some Nets you may use fake names like Tina T. or Icecube ... Password The password used to identify your system while polling Phone Number The phone number of the node you get your messages Path of Packer The path and name of your packer. If you select the button a file select box will appear and you may choose it Crunchparameters The parameters used by your packer to shrink the messages you want to have exported. Use the wildcard %s for the path of your source folder, %d for the path of your destination folder and %% to generate a single % sign. Meltparameters The parameters used by your packer to melt a packet. The wildcards have the same meaning like above. Own Systemname A name you may choose for your point system. Remote's All names of the areas you got from this Systemname node will begin with this name. Choose a word like FIDO or something else. Origin a short sentence like "Home of Chaos" or "We all live in a yellow submarine" Automatic T. This system will be called if you select the Transfer option. Standardreq. New files of that name will automatically be requested if you call this node. For example to enter fnews*.* will cause all new Fido News to be transmitted. send empty packets Empty packets will be sent if this sign box is selected. Some systems need a poll packet under any circumstances, even it's empty and some get confused by empty ones. initalize path Some systems need the PATH line initalized by the net and the node address and some get confused with these datas. Select this to initalize this line. Letters 0-9 You may have up to 10 different addresses. If they have the same phonenumber, they will be polled in one turn. For that another protocol must be choosen. If you do not want that, make them different by appening various "-" signs. Please note that the last two features are only avaiable in the registered version. Modem-Parameters Initcommand The command used to initalize your modem. Use ~ signs for a delay of one second and %r signs for returns. Dialcommand The command used to let your modem dial. Use %s for the phone numer and %r for Return. Abort on ... If this message is sent by your modem, the current operation is aborted. Retry on ... If this message is sent by your modem, dialing will be retried. Max Ringing After n Ringings, a new try will be made. Enter 0 to disable this function. Max Tries retry dialing for n times. Pause pause between dial attempts Timeout After n seconds abort dialing. Nodelist-Parameters Path of Nodelist Path of the Nodelist Files (~ 2 MB) Nodelist Log Name of the Nodelist Log File own city code your own city code without prefix own country code your own country code without prefix own city prefix code used to indicate a non local call (in germany 0) own country prefix code used to indicate a call to foreign countries (in germany 00) Registration Key A key to identify that you have paid your sharware donation. This key is unique and must not be published. You may now use the extended functions. Polling Hour An automatic poll will start at that time. It is like pressing ^T. Disable this function by entering 99:99 . Save Parameters The current parameters will be lost after terminating the program. If you want to reuse them on next start, save them by using Save Parameters. They will be automatically saved after a transfer. Extras Search The Search option is a very complex thing. It is used to search the currently shown window for a particulary group of words e.g. Florian Rupp. Upper and lowercase letters will be treated equal. Just enter it and select either the option Search from Beginning to search from the top of the whole window (including the slided parts) or Search from actual Position to start the search at the first currently shown line. The line found will be shown emphasized like This line was found To get the next occuring word select Repeat Search form the menu. Note that the whole line will be emphasized, not only the currently searched word. Nodelist Because of the sheer size of the Nodelist (currently 2 MB) there are multiple options to keep the time for searching an entry in range : Look for a Nodenumber: Enter the Nodenumber in the format :/ eg. 2:248/107 and the Nodelist will be searched fast (~1 second). Look for the beginning of an entry: The fields showing the sysop name , the BBS name and the city name will be searched. Note that only the beginning will be used. There is a special index providing a fast search (~5 seconds). If you search for the word Crown only entries like Crown BBS or Crown Software will be found, not entries like The Crown BBS . Look for the whole entry: This method will consume much time. Enter the word preceeded by a single asterix * like *software and start the search. All Nodelist searches may be aborted by pressing and holding both shift keys until searching stops. Show Help, Show File and Show Nodelist A file will be shown. If you select the Show Help option the help file called F_POINT.HLP will be shown. You may edit it, as long as you don't remove the copyright notices. Show File causes a file you may select using the File Selector to be shown. Show Nodelist causes the current Nodelist to be shown. Please note the special search options. Process Nodelist & Include Diffs The Nodelist is a textfile which has to be transformed using this option in order to provide quick operation. Select this options and choose the nodelist textfiles you want to include. They will be processed in the same order as you have selected them. Selecting Abort in the Fileselector causes the operation to abort. Choosing Ok causes the Fileselector to appear with a blank filename. Select Ok without choosing the filename to start the Nodelist compiler. The Nodelist is a document which is too big to be transmitted every week compeltely. Diff files are used to distribute only the changed parts. Select this option to update your Nodelist textfile. At first you should enter the name of your Nodelist textfile and then the Diffs like the method shown above. The Diffs must be entered sorted by their age, eg. the eledest Diff first. Else you may cause an error message. After all you only have to recompile this textfile to access the updated Nodelist. Copyright This program is copyrighted 1993 by Florian Rupp. If you want to use it regulary send 20.- DM to the address listed below. If you want to send your qeuries via Snail Mail or letter please include german stamps or 2 US$. Please include always your FIDO EMAIL address. Unfortunately I can not be reached via EMAIL between the 10th August 1993 and the 27th September 1993. During that time I can only receive snail mails and I'm only able to assign a temporary registration code. Please snail mail urgend questions between this period of time. My address: Florian Rupp Giessenerstr. 8 W-6302 Lich 1 till 1st July 1993 D-35423 Lich 1 from 1st July 1993 Germany Phone +49-6404-65131 FAX +49-6404-62710 Florian Rupp on 2:248/107.2