STONE-AGE DELUXE This is an enhanced version of STONE-AGE which adds many new features, including: * Ability to Create, Save, and Load additional Screens * Two Player games are supported * Practice and Play mode... Play mode incorporates a timer as well as scoring * Ability to start at any of 5 levels * Three skill levels... Easy, Tougher, and Hard * Willi now moves faster... hold the Joystick Button down to slow him down! * Instructions and Help files are built-in... just press HELP KEY at Create Screen or Play Screen There are a few other neat features that I'll let you discover for yourself! Hope you have fun with it. Create your own worlds for Willi to conquer, then upload them so others can share (each World should have 5 levels... two worlds are included in this file). Let me know of any enhancements you would like to see! John Hickey Starboard BBS-509-375-4228 24 Hours, 300/1200 Baud nLßAí€$N®” <€r$<Aí€$N®ß(N®ß¢Hçà <€r$<Aí€$N®ß(N®ß¢N®ådvÿN®ç0&<Àx*<N®ß¦Lß