STFLD2 by RALPH RUSSELL 01/87 STFLD2 is a star field program. To experience this program completely, a joystick is needed in port 1 (the one the mouse isn't in). To accelerate, press the button. To decelerate, stop pressing the button. Use the joystick to steer through space. The number of stars can be changed after the program is running by using the numeric keys 1 thru 9. For best results, dim the lights in your computer room or turn them off. To terminate the program, just type "Q". For those poor souls that don't have a joystick, you can still accelerate and decelerate with the right mouse button, but you can't steer. If you can't steer, don't worry, it's impossible to run into a star. This is a public domain program and is not to be sold for profit. This program may be copied and distributed freely as long as a copy of this file that you are reading is included with the program.