![](../graphics/ac.gif) |
The Atari Compendium Index |
Table of Contents
_AKP cookie, 3.13, 4.13
_CPU cookie
_FDC cookie, 3.11, 4.64
_FLK cookie, 3.12, 2.7, 2.82
_FRB cookie
_FPU cookie, 3.11,
_IDT cookie
_MCH cookie
_mediach() function
_NET cookie
_SND cookie, 3.12
_SWI cookie
_vblqueue, 3.19
_VDO cookie, 3.11
about menu, 11.15, 6.26
access permissions, see MiNT access permissions
AC_CLOSE message, 6.7, 6.68
AC_OPEN message, 6.7, 6.68
ACIA, B.43
address error, 3.35, B.4
- alerts, 6.25, 11.10
- application identifier, 6.4
- application services library
- applications, 6.4, 11.24
- clipping rectangles
- desk accessories
- desktop window
- dialogs, 6.24, 6.81, 11.8
- drop-down list boxes, 6.28, 6.108, 11.19
- environment string, 6.9, 6.139
- event dispatcher
- event library
- event loop
- file selector library, 6.85, 11.12
- form library
- function calling procedure
- graphics library
- hierachical menus, 6.27, 11.20
- language, 6.49, 11.23
- menu buffer, 6.28, 6.154
- menus, 6.25, 11.15
- message events, 6.11, 6.64
- mouse button events, 6.12, 6.61
- objects
- object library
- popup menus, 6.28, 6.108, 11.18
- rectangle list
- scrap library
- shell buffer, 6.35, 6.140
- shell library
- timer events, 6.12, 6.73
- user-defined messages, 6.12
- VDI workstation, 6.33
- window toolbars, 6.33, 11.14
- windows, 6.29, 11.4
- window library
AES_BIOS device
AES_MT device
AESPB structure
AHDI, 3.5, B.10
alerts, see AES alerts
alt-help screen dump, 4.91, B.12
alternative RAM, see memory types
advanced keyboard processor, see _AKP cookie
appl_init(), 6.4, 6.7, 6.53
appl_read(), 6.12, 6.54
appl_write(), 6.12, 6.58
APPLBLK structure
application cartridges, 3.3, 5.7
application services library, see AES application services
application software
ASCII, e.1
assembly language
ARGS data type, H.4
Atari Extended Argument Specification, see GEMDOS ARGV
Atari GEM, see GEM
attenuation, see sound attenuation
attributes, see GEMDOS file attributes
auto-vector interrupts
aux: file, see serial device
bad sector list
Bconmap(), 3.14
Bconout(),3.19, 3.23
bezier curves, see GDOS bezier curves
BGM partition
- calling from an interrupt
- devices
- errors, D.3
- function calling procedure
- parameter block
- vectors
Bioskeys(), 4.13,
BITBLK structure
bitmaps, see VDI raster forms
Bitstream international character set, G.7
BLiTTER chip, 7.9
BOOLEAN, see Data Types
boot sectors
break codes
BPB, see BIOS parameter block
BSS segment
Buffptr(), 4.8
bus error, B.4
BYTE, see Data Types
CACR register
camera drivers, see VDI camera drivers
Cauxin(), 2.34
Cauxis(), 2.34
Cauxos(), 2.34
Cauxout(), 2.34
Cconis(), 2.34
Cconos(), 2.34
Cconout(), 2.34
Cconrs(), 2.34
Cconws(), 2.34
CD-ROM drives, 2.3, 2.23, 4.12
CHAR, see Data Types
CICON structure
CICONBLK structure
client, see MiNT pipes
clipboard, see AES scrap library
clipping, see VDI clipping
clock, see real time clock
Cnecin(), 2.34
cold boot
- colors
- bit layout, 4.5, 5.25
- mapping
- proper use of
- setting
- using, see VDI using colors
- window
command line, see GEMDOS command line
con: file, see console device
console device, 2.8, 3.14
context, see MiNT process context
control panel, see XCONTROL
control panel extensions, see XCONTROL CPX's
controls, user-defined, 6.23, 11.10
- cookie jar
- COOKIE structure
- determining hardware presence
- placing a cookie
- searching for a cookie
- system cookies
coordinate systems, see VDI coordinate systems
coprocessor exceptions
coprocessor mode
country code, 3.6, 10.6
CPM 68k
Cprnos(), 2.34
Cprnout(), 2.34
cpx_call(), 10.5, 10.19
cpx_close(), 10.5, 10.20
CPXINFO structure
Crawcin(), 2.34
Crawio(), 2.34
critical error handler, see GEMDOS vectors
Cursconf(), 4.13
CX-40 joystick
data cache, see caches
DATA segment
data types
Dbmsg(), 4.19
Dclosedir(), 2.16
Dcntl(), 2.16, 2.50
Dcreate(), 2.4
Ddelete(), 2.4
debugging keys, see MultiTOS debugging keys
debugging levels
deferred vertical blank handlers
DESKCOPY environment variable, see desktop extensibility
DESKFMT environment variable, see desktop extensibility
desktop window, see AES desktop window
- desktop
- drag and drop usage
- extendibility
- messages
- TOS application launching
Devconnect(), 4.7, 4.29
device-specific format, see VDI device-specific format
device independence
Dfree(), 2.4, 2.54
Dgetcwd(), 2.16
Dgetdrv(), 2.5
Dgetpath(), 2.5
diagnostic cartriges
dialogs, see AES dialogs
Digital Research, Inc.
disk transfer address, see GEMDOS DTA
display, see screen
Dlock(), 2.16
DMA sound system, see sound STe/TT030 digital sound
DMAread(), 4.15
DMAwrite(), 4.15
Dopendir(), 2.16
Dosound(), 4.18, I.3
dot-matrix printers, see VDI printer drivers
Dpathconf(), 2.3, 2.59
drag and drop, H.1
originator, H.3
recipient, H.5
Dreaddir(), 2.16
Drewinddir(), 2.16
drop-down list boxes, see AES drop-down list boxes
Dsetdrv(), 2.5
Dsetpath(), 2.5
- connection matrix
- controller registers, B.36
- debugging
- general-purpose pins
- ISR register
- memory map
- programs
- sending data
- state
- subroutines
- word size
Dsp_Available(), 4.10
Dsp_BlkBytes(), 4.11
Dsp_BlkHandshake(), 4.11
Dsp_BlkUnpacked(), 4.11
Dsp_BlkWords(), 4.11
Dsp_DoBlock(), 4.11, 4.38
Dsp_ExecBoot(), 4.11
Dsp_ExecProg(), 4.11
Dsp_FlushSubroutines(), 4.40
Dsp_GetProgAbility(), 4.11
Dsp_GetWordSize(), 4.41
Dsp_Hf0(), 4.11
Dsp_Hf1(), 4.11
Dsp_Hf2(), 4.11
Dsp_Hf3(), 4.11
Dsp_Hstat(), 4.11
Dsp_InqrSubrAbility(), 4.10
Dsp_InStream(), 4.11, 4.45
Dsp_LoadProg(), 4.11
Dsp_LoadSubroutine(), 4.48
Dsp_Lock(), 4.9, 4.48
Dsp_LodToBinary(), 4.11
Dsp_MultBlocks(), 4.11
Dsp_OutStream(), 4.11
Dsp_RemoveInterrupts(), 4.11
Dsp_RequestUniqueAbility(), 4.10, 4.52
Dsp_Reserve(), 4.10, 4.53
Dsp_RunSubroutine(), 4.53
Dsp_SetVectors(), 4.11
Dsp_TriggerHC(), 4.11
Dsp_Unlock(), 4.9
Dsptristate(), 4.8
dual-state menu items, 11.17
edit menu, 11.17
EgetPalette(), 4.5
EgetShift(), 4.4
enhanced joystick, 5.8
entertainment software, 11.25
Epson printer, 4.96
error codes, D.1
EsetBank(), 4.5
EsetColor(), 4.5
EsetGray(), 4.4
EsetPalette(), 4.5
EsetShift(), 4.4, 4.61
EsetSmear(), 4.4
EOF, 2.39-2.41
evnt_button(), 6.12, 6.61
evnt_dclick(), 6.9
evnt_keybd(), 6.12, 6.63
evnt_mesag(), 6.11, 6.64
evnt_mouse(), 6.12, 6.70
evnt_multi(), 6.10, 6.71
evnt_timer(), 6.12, 6.73
exception vectors, B.4
expansion area, B.46
EXTEND.SYS file, 7.15
extended partition, see XGM partition
extension (file), 2.4
Falcon030, 1.6
FALSE, see Data Types
FAT, see file allocation table
Fattrib(), 2.6, 2.64
Fchmod(), 2.15, 2.65
Fclose(), 2.66
Fcntl(), 2.15, 2.67
Fcreate(), 2.6, 2.74
Fdatime(), 2.7, 2.75
Fdelete(), 2.7, 2.76
Fdup(), 2.8, 2.76
Fforce(), 2.8, 2.77
Fgetchar(), 2.15
Fgetdta(), 2.6
file allocation table, 4.14
file menu, 11.16
file selector library, see AES file selector library
file systems, see MiNT loadable file systems
filenames, see GEMDOS filenames
fine scrolling, 5.26
Finstat(), 2.15
fix31, see Data Types
Flink(), 2.15
floating-point coprocessor, 5.4
floating-point support, see _FPU cookie
flock system variable, B.8
Flock(), 2.7, 2.82
floppy drives, 4.15
Flopfmt(), 4.15
Floprd(), 4.15
Flopver(), 4.15
Flopwr(), 4.15
- .FNT file format, C.7
- character offset table, C.9
- data, C.8
- header, C.7
- horizontal offset table, C.9
Fmidipipe(), 2.16, 2.83
folders, see GEMDOS directories
Font Scaling Module, see FSMGDOS
- fonts
- in AES objects, 6.20
- bitmap, see VDI fonts
- file format, C.7
- outline, see VDI fonts
- system, 6.36, 6.48
Fopen(), 2.84
form_alert(), 6.25, 6.77
form_button(), 6.25, 6.78
form_center(), 6.79
form_dial(), 6.80
form_do(), 6.24, 6.81
form_error(), 6.25, 6.82
form_keybd(), 6.25, 6.83
Forth, 1.9
Foutstat(), 2.15
Fputchar(), 2.15
Fread(), 2.7, 2.87
Frename(), 2.4, 2.89
Fseek(), 2.7, 2.89
fsel_exinput(), 6.34, 6.87
fsel_input(), 6.34, 6.88
Fselect(), 2.15, 2.90
Fsetdta(), 2.6, 2.91
Fsfirst(), 2.5, 2.92
FSMC cookie, 3.13
Fsnext(), 2.5, 2.93
Fsymlink(), 2.15, 2.94
Fwrite(), 2.6, 2.95
Fxattr(), 2.15, 2.95
gadgets, see AES windows
gain, see sound setting gain
- game controllers, 5.8
- GDOS, 7.11
- bezier curves, 7.13
- caching, 7.15
- camera drivers, 7.17
- device drivers, 7.16
- error support, 7.13
- fix31 data type, 7.14
- font naming convention, 7.12
- FONTGDOS, 7.13
- fonts, 7.12
- FSMGDOS, 7.12-7.13
- function calling procedure, see VDI function calling procedure
- kerning, 7.15
- memory driver, 7.18
- metafiles, 7.17
- original, 7.12
- plotter drivers, 7.16
- printer drivers, 7.16
- special effects, 7.15
- SpeedoGDOS, 7.12, 7.14
- Speedo character indexes, 7.15
- tablet drivers, 7.17
- user-defined printer buffer, 7.17
- version, 7.11
GDP, see VDI GDP's
.GEM file format, C.3
- GEM, 1.7
- partition type, 4.16
- user interface guidelines, 11.1
GEM/3, 7.13
GEM.CNF file, 6.36
gemdos(), 2.35
- GEMDOS, 2.1
- ARGV, 2.12
- application startup, 2.11
- character functions, 2.34
- command line, 2.11
- date functions, 2.35
- default directory, 2.5
- default drive, 2.5
- deleting files, 2.7
- directories, 2.4
- drive identifiers, 2.3
- DTA, 2.6
- environment string, 2.12
- errors, D.3
- executable file format, 2.9
- file attributes, 2.6
- file handles, 2.7
- file locking, 2.7
- file position pointer, 2.7
- file time/date stamp, 2.7
- filenames, 2.4
- function calling procedure, 2.35
- path, 2.5
- processes, 2.9
- record locking, 2.7
- redirection, 2.8
- root directory, 2.4
- time functions, 2.35
- the TOS file system, 2.3
- vectors, 2.13
- version, 2.3
- volume label, 2.6
generalized device primitives, see VDI GDP's
Getbpb(), 3.15, 3.30
getcookie(), 10.30
GetFirstRect(), 10.30
Getmpb(), 3.31
GetNextRect(), 10.31
Getrez(), 4.4, 4.68
Gettime(), 4.18, 4.69
Giaccess(), I.3
Gpio(), 4.8,
graf_dragbox(), 6.34, 6.91
graf_growbox(), 6.34, 6.92
graf_handle(), 6.34, 6.92, 7.3
graf_mkstate(), 6.34, 6.93
graf_mouse(), 6.34, 6.94
graf_movebox(), 6.34, 6.96
graf_rubberbox(), 6.34, 6.97
graf_shrinkbox(), 6.34, 6.98
graf_slidebox(), 6.34, 6.99
graf_watchbox(), 6.34
graphics library, see AES graphics library
grayscale mode, 4.4
GRECT structure, 7.7
handles, see GEMDOS file handles or VDI workstation
hierarchical menus, 11.20
- icon, 6.21
- color, 6.22
ICONBLK structure, 6.21
iconification, 11.7
- IKBD, 5.10
- commands, 5.14
- scan codes, F.1
Ikbdws(), 4.14, 4.72
Imagen, see QMS/Imagen
- .IMG file format, C.5
- extra palette information, C.5
- header, C.5
- image compression, C.6
- image data format, C.6
Initmous(), 4.12
instruction cache, 5.3
interrupt priority level, 5.3
IOREC structure, 4.75
Iorec(), 4.17
Jdisint(), 4.18
Jenabint(), 4.18, 4.76
joysticks, 5.8, 5.12
Kbrate(), 4.13,
Kbshift(), 3.7, 3.32
kerning, see GDOS kerning
keyboard, 5.11
keyboard equivalents, 11.20
keyboard tables, 4.12, 7.15, F.1
Keytbl(), 4.12, 4.78
KEYTBL.TBL file, 4.13
LAN connector, 4.17
Lattice C, 1.9
light gun, 5.10
- Line-A, 8.1
- arbitrary line function, 8.12
- copy raster function, 8.21
- draw sprite function, 8.20
- filled rectangle function, 8.13
- font headers, 8.7
- function calling procedure, 8.8
- hide mouse function, 8.19
- initialize function, 8.11
- seed fill function, 8.22
- variable table, 8.3
links, see MiNT links
list boxes, see AES drop-down list boxes
Localtalk, see LAN connector
Locksnd(), 4.6
Logbase(), 4.3
logical screen, 4.3
magneto-optical drives, 2.3
make codes, 5.11
Malloc(), 2.8, 2.98
matrix, see sound connection matrix
media change, 3.15
Mediach(), 3.15, 3.33
Mega ST, 1.4
Mega STe, 1.4
memory driver, see GDOS memory driver
memory initialization, 3.3
memory management unit, B.5
memory map, B.1
memory protection, 2.14
memory types, 2.8
MEMORY.SYS, see GDOS memory driver
MENU structure, 6.103
menu buffer, see AES menu buffer
menu_attach(), 6.27, 6.103
menu_bar(), 6.27,6.105
menu_icheck(), 6.27, 6.106
menu_ienable(), 6.27, 6.106
menu_istart(), 6.27, 6.107
menu_popup(), 6.28, 6.108
menu_register(), 6.4, 6.7, 6.109
menu_settings(), 6.28, 6.110
menu_text(), 6.27
menu_tnormal(), 6.27, 6.111
menus, see AES menus
messages, see AES message events
META.SYS driver, see GDOS metafiles
- metafiles
- creating, see GDOS metafiles
- header, C.3
- records, C.4
- sub-opcodes, C.4
Metainit(), 4.12
MFsave(), 10.31
MFP, B.5
- configuration, 4.17
- interrupts, 4.18
- ST port registers, B.37
- vectors, B.5
Mfpint(), 4.18, 4.81
Mfree(), 2.99
MICROWIRE interface, 5.22
MIDI, 3.14, 5.10
Midiws(), 4.19
- MiNT, 2.14
- access permissions, 2.14
- cookie, 3.13
- debugging, 2.31
- default directory, 2.16
- DEV directory, 2.17
- directory enumeration, 2.16
- exit codes, 2.14
- file attributes, 2.15
- file ownership, 2.15
- file status, 2.15
- file system extensions, 2.15
- function calling procedure, see GEMDOS function calling
- procedure
- hard links, 2.15
- interprocess communication, 2.27
- links, 2.15
- loadable devices, 2.17
- loadable file systems, 2.23
- messages, 2.31
- MINT.CNF file, 2.33
- PIPE directory, 2.27
- pipes, 2.27
- PROC directory, 2.16
- process attributes, 2.17
- process context, 2.32
- process identifier, 2.14
- process priority, 2.14
- processes, 2.14
- pseudo-drives, 2.16
- resources, 2.14
- semaphores, 2.31
- shared memory, 2.30
- SHM directory, 2.30
- signals, 2.28
- symbolic links, 2.15
- threads, 2.14
- timeslice, 2.14
- tracing, 2.31
- user-defined longword, 2.14
modem device, 2.17
mouse, 5.11
mouse device, 2.17
MPB, see memory usage parameter block
Mshrink(), 2.11, 2.99
MS-DOS, 2.3
multi-function peripheral port, see MFP
MultiTOS, 2.3
debugging keys, 2.32
Mxalloc(), 2.8, 2.100
NDC, see VDI coordinate systems
NEWDESK.INF file, 9.4
non-maskable interrupt, 5.3
non-volatile RAM, see NVMaccess()
normalized device coordinates, see VDI coordinate systems
NULL device, 2.17
NVMaccess(), 4.18
objc_add(), 6.14, 6.115
objc_change(), 6.17, 6.115
objc_delete(), 6.14, 6.116
objc_draw(), 6.117
objc_edit(), 6.25, 6.118
objc_find(), 6.14, 6.119
objc_offset(), 6.14, 6.120
objc_order(), 6.14, 6.121
objc_sysvar(), 6.122
OBJC_COLORWORD structure, 6.18
- objects, 6.13
- colorword, 6.18
- flags, 6.16
- fonts, 6.20
- ob_spec, 6.18
- states, 6.17
- structure, 6.15
- types, 6.15
Offgibit(), 4.17
Ongibit(), 4.17
ORU's, G.3
OS, 1.6
overlay mode, see VsetMask()
p_cookies, see cookie jar
p_kbshift, 3.7
p_root, 3.5
p_run, 3.7
paddles, 5.9
page flipping, 4.3
palette, see VDI palette based devices
palette registers, 4.4
PARMBLK structure, 6.23
partition information block, 4.16
Pascal, 1.9
Pdomain(), 2.3
peripheral mode, 5.4
Pexec(), 2.9, 2.103
Pfork(), 2.14, 2.105
Physbase(), 4.3
physical screen, 4.3
Pgeteuid(), 2.14
Pgetpgrp(), 2.14
Pgetpid(), 2.14, 2.107
Pgetppid(), 2.14
Pgetuid(), 2.14
Pkill(), 2.109
plotter drivers, see VDI plotter drivers
Pmsg(), 2.31
Pnice(), 2.14
Popup(), 10.32
popup menus, 6.28, 11.18
Prenice(), 2.14
prescaler, 4.7
printer, 4.18
printer device, 2.8, 2.17
printer drivers, see VDI printer drivers
prn: file, see printer device
process terminate handler, see GEMDOS vectors
processor cache control,MegaSTe, B.34
processor state save area, B.7
progress indicators, 11.12
prt_cnt, B.12
Prtblk(), 4.18
Prusage(), 2.14
Psemaphore(), 2.31
Psetlimit(), 2.14
Psetuid(), 2.14
pseudo-drive, 2.16
PSG, I.1
Psigaction(), 2.28
Psigblock(), 2.28
Psignal(), 2.28
Psigreturn(), 2.28
Psigsetmask(), 2.28
Pterm(), 2.9, 2.11
Ptermres(), 2.11, 2.123
Pumask(), 2.16
Puntaes(), 3.7, 4.19
Pusrval(), 2.14
Pvfork(), 2.14
Pwait(), 2.14
Pwait3(), 2.14
Pwaitpid(), 2.14
QMS/Imagen, 7.13
Random(), 4.18
raster coordinates, see VDI coordinate systems
raster forms, see VDI raster forms
RC, see VDI coordinate systems
RCS, see resource construction set
real-time clock, B.31
rectangle list, see AES rectangle list
rectangles, see VDI rectangles
reset vector, see BIOS vectors
resolutions, see screen
resource construction set, 6.13
resources, 6.13
file format, see .RSC file format
usage, see AES resource library
ROOT definition, 6.14
- .RSC file format, C.9
- CICONBLK extension, C.11
- extension array, C.11
- free strings and images, C.11
- header, C.9
- object trees, C.10
- AES 3.30 resource format, C.11
Rsconf(), 4.17, 4.89
rsh_fix(), 10.33
rsh_obfix(), 10.34
rsrc_free(), 6.127
rsrc_gaddr(), 6.13, 6.127
rsrc_load(), 6.7, 6.13, 6.128
rsrc_obfix(), 6.13, 6.129
rsrc_rcfix(), 6.13, 6.130
rsrc_saddr(), 6.13, 6.130
Rwabs(), 3.34
Salert(), 2.28
scan codes, F.1
- SCC, 4.17
- DMA registers, B.33
- ports, B.33
- vectors, B.6
scr_dump, B.14
scrap library, see AES scrap library
Scrdmp(), 4.18
- screen
- determining the size, 4.4
- memory, 4.3, 5.25
- registers, B.19
- resolution, 4.4, 5.24
- resolution change, 6.144
scrp_read(), 6.34, 6.135
scrp_write(), 6.34, 6.136
SCSI, 4.15
semaphores, see MiNT semaphores
serial device, 2.8
serial number, 4.14
serial port, 4.16
mapping, 4.17
server, see MiNT pipes
Set_Evnt_Mask(), 10.34
Setbuffer(), 4.7
Setcolor(), 4.4
Setexc(), 3.20, 3.35
Setmode(), 4.7
Setmontracks(), 4.8
Setpalette(), 4.4, 4.95
Setprt(), 4.18
Setscreen(), 4.3, 4.97
Settime(), 4.18
Settracks(), 4.8
shadow image, B.46
shel_envrn(), 6.9, 6.139
shel_find(), 6.36, 6.139
shel_get(), 6.35, 6.140
shel_put(), 6.35, 6.141
shel_read(), 6.36, 6.141
shel_write(), 2.13, 6.9, 6.36, 6.142
shell buffer, see AES shell buffer
shell, see AES shell library
shift keys, 3.7
signals, see MiNT signals
Sl_Arrow(), 10.35
Sl_dragx(), 10.36
Sl_dragy(), 10.36
Sl_size(), 10.37
Sl_x(), 10.37
Sl_y(), 10.38
slider bar, 6.30
SLM804, 7.16
SMALLER gadget, 6.30
smear mode, 4.4
Sndstatus(), 4.8
- sound
- attenuation, 4.8
- adjusting gain, 4.8
- configuring levels, 4.8
- connection matrix, 4.7
- determining status, 4.8
- envelopes, I.6
- Falcon030 sound system, 4.6
- FM, I.3
- handshaking, 4.7
- interrupts, 4.8
- playing, I.1
- proper use of, 11.24
- recording, 4.8
- registers, B.25
- selecting tracks, 4.8
- setting frequency, 4.7
- STe/TT digital sound, 5.28
Soundcmd(), 4.7
SpeedoGDOS, 7.14
character set, G.7
font header, G.3
Ssbrk(), 4.19
ST, 1.3
ST Book, 1.5
ST RAM, see memory types
Stacy, 1.3
stack allocation, 6.5
standard format, 7.9
standard RAM, see memory types
submenus, see hierarchical menus
Super(), 2.128
supervisor mode, 2.128, 4.12, 4.103
Supexec(), 4.12, 4.103
Sversion(), 2.3
Syield(), 2.130
symbol table, 2.10
_sysbase, 3.4
Sysconf(), 2.130
system boot variables, B.4
system font, 6.36, 6.48
system bell vector, see BIOS vectors
system control unit, B.34
system keyclick vector, see BIOS vectors
system RAM, B.16
system startup, 3.3
system variables, B.7
system vectors, B.7
tablet drivers, see VDI tablet drivers
Talarm(), 2.131
TEDINFO structure, 6.19
terminal device, 2.17
TEXT segment, 2.9
Tgetdate(), 2.35
Tgettime(), 2.35
threads, see MiNT threads
three-dimensional objects, 6.16
Tickcal(), 3.36
timer, see AES timer events
timer tick vector, see GEMDOS vectors
toolbars, 6.33, 11.14
toolboxes, 11.13
- TOS, 1.3
- configuration bits, 3.6
- file system, 2.3
- header, 3.4
- OSHEADER structure, 3.5
TOSRUN pipe, 9.4
TPA, see transient program area
tracing, see MiNT tracing
transient program area, 2.11
TRAP exception vectors, B.4
TRUE, see Data Types
true-color, see VDI true-color devices
toolbars, see AES window toolbars
Tsetdate(), 2.35
Tsettime(), 2.35
TT RAM, see memory types
TT030, 1.5
TTY, see terminal device
typesetting, 1.10
UBYTE, see Data Types
UCHAR, see Data Types
ULONG, see Data Types
UNIX, 2.3
Unlocksnd(), 4.6
user interface, 11.1
user mode, 4.12
UWORD, see Data Types
v_arc(), 7.24
v_bar(), 7.25
v_bez(), 7.13
v_bez_fill(), 7.13, 7.27
v_bez_off(), 7.13
v_bez_on(), 7.13
v_bit_image(), 7.31
v_cellarray(), 7.32
v_circle(), 7.33
v_clear_disp_list(), 7.34
v_clrwk(), 7.34
v_clsvwk(), 7.35
v_clswk(), 7.35
v_contourfill(), 7.36
v_curdown(), 7.37
v_curhome(), 7.37
v_curleft(), 7.38
v_curright(), 7.38
v_curtext(), 7.39
v_eeol(), 7.41
v_eeos(), 7.42
v_ellarc(), 7.42
v_ellipse(), 7.43
v_ellpie(), 7.44
v_enter_cur(), 7.45
v_exit_cur(), 7.46
v_fillarea(), 7.46
v_flushcache(), 7.47
v_fontinit(), 7.48
v_form_adv(), 7.48
v_ftext(), 7.49
v_ftext16(), 7.16, 7.50
v_ftext_offset(), 7.51
v_ftext_offset16(), 7.16, 7.52
v_get_pixel(), 4.5, 7.55
v_getbitmap_info(), 7.12
v_getoutline(), 7.12
v_gtext(), 7.56
v_hardcopy(), 7.57
v_hide_c(), 7.57
v_justified(), 7.58
v_killoutline(), 7.12
v_loadcache(), 7.59
v_meta_extents(), 7.60
v_opnvwk(), 7.3
V_Opnvwk(), 7.5
v_opnwk(), 7.3, 7.66
V_Opnwk(), 7.5
v_output_window(), 7.68
v_pgcount(), 7.69
v_pieslice(), 7.70
v_pline(), 7.71
v_pmarker(), 7.72
v_rbox(), 7.72
v_rfbox(), 7.73
v_rmcur(), 7.74
v_rvoff(), 7.75
v_rvon(), 7.75
v_savecache(), 7.76
v_set_app_buff(), 7.77
v_show_c(), 7.77
v_updwk(), 7.16, 7.78
v_write_meta(), 7.79
validation string, 6.19
- VDI, 7.1
- clipping, 7.3, 7.125
- color mapping, 7.9
- coordinate systems, 7.5
- device IDs, 7.4
- device-specific format, 7.10
- fonts, see GDOS fonts
- function availability, 7.8
- function calling procedure, 7.18
- function reference, 7.21
- GDOS, see GDOS
- GDP's, 7.6
- monochrome devices, 7.9
- raster forms, 7.9
- rectangles, 7.7
- rendering graphics, 7.6
- palette-based devices, 7.9
- parameter block, 7.18
- physical workstations, 7.3
- standard format, 7.10
- true-color devices, 7.9
- using color, 7.8
- vector handling, 7.10
- virtual workstations, 7.4
- workstations, 7.3
- workstation handles, 7.3
- vertical blank
- handlers, 3.19
- interrupt, 3.19
vex_butv(), 7.10
vex_curv(), 7.10
vex_motv(), 7.10
vex_timv(), 7.10
VgetMonitor(), 4.4
VgetRGB(), 4.6
VgetSize(), 4.4
video control, 4.3
video registers, B.19
video mode, see screen
vm_coords(), 7.17
vm_filename(), 7.17
vm_pagesize(), 7.17
VOID, see Data Types
VOIDP, see Data Types
VOIDPP, see Data Types
volume label, see GEMDOS volume label
vq_cellarray(), 7.86
vq_chcells(), 7.87
vq_color(), 7.88
vq_curaddress(), 7.89
vq_extnd(), 7.8, 7.89
vq_gdos(), 7.11, 7.92
vq_key_s(), 7.93
vq_mouse(), 7.93
vq_scan(), 7.94
vq_tabstatus(), 7.95
vq_tdimensions(), 7.96
vqf_attributes(), 7.96
vqin_mode(), 7.97
vql_attributes(), 7.98
vqm_attributes(), 7.99
vqp_error(), 7.100
vqp_films(), 7.101
vqp_state(), 7.101
vqt_advance(), 7.102
vqt_advance32(), 7.103
vqt_attributes(), 7.104
vqt_cachesize(), 7.105
vqt_devinfo(), 7.106
vqt_extent(), 7.107
vqt_f_extent(), 7.108
vqt_f_extent16(), 7.109
vqt_fontheader(), 7.12, 7.110
vqt_fontinfo(), 7.111
vqt_get_table(), 7.12, 7.112
vqt_name(), 7.16, 7.113
vqt_pairkern(), 7.12
vqt_trackkern(), 7.115
vqt_width(), 7.115
vr_recfl(), 7.117
vr_trnfm(), 4.5, 7.117
vro_cpyfm(), 7.119
vrq_choice(), 7.121
vrq_locator(), 7.121
vrq_string(), 7.122
vrq_valuator(), 7.123
vs_clip(), 7.125
vs_color(), 7.126
vs_curaddress(), 7.126
vs_palette(), 7.127
vsc_form(), 7.128
VsetMask(), 4.6
VsetMode(), 4.4
VsetRGB(), 4.6
VsetSync(), 4.6
vsf_color(), 7.129
vsf_interior(), 7.129
vsf_perimeter(), 7.130
vsf_style(), 7.131
vsin_mode(), 7.133
vsl_color(), 7.134
vsl_ends(), 7.134
vsl_type(), 7.135
vsl_udsty(), 7.136
vsl_width(), 7.137
vsm_choice(), 7.138
vsm_color(), 7.138
vsm_height(), 7.139
vsm_locator(), 7.140
vsm_string(), 7.141
vsm_type(), 7.142
vsm_valuator(), 7.143
vsp_message(), 7.144
vsp_save(), 7.145
vsp_state(), 7.145
vst_alignment(), 7.146
vst_arbpt(), 7.147
vst_arbpt32(), 7.14, 7.148
vst_charmap(), 7.149
vst_color(), 7.150
vst_effects(), 7.150
vst_error(), 7.13, 7.151
vst_font(), 7.152
vst_height(), 7.153
vst_kern(), 7.154
vst_load_fonts(), 7.13, 7.155
vst_point(), 7.155
vst_rotation(), 7.156
vst_scratch(), 7.157
vst_setsize(), 7.158
vst_setsize32(), 7.159
vst_skew(), 7.160
vst_unload_fonts(), 7.161
vswr_mode(), 7.162
Vsync(), 4.110
VT-52 emulator, 3.14
vt_alignment(), 7.163
vt_axis(), 7.164
vt_origin(), 7.164
vt_resolution(), 7.165
warm boot, 3.3
WavePlay(), 4.110
wildcards, 2.5
wind_calc(), 6.33, 6.149
wind_close(), 6.31, 6.150
wind_create(), 6.29, 6.150
wind_delete(), 6.31, 6.152
wind_find(), 6.31, 6.152
wind_get(), 6.31, 6.153
wind_new(), 6.157
wind_open(), 6.31, 6.158
wind_set(), 6.31, 6.158
wind_update(), 6.32, 6.161
windows, see AES windows
WORD, see Data Types
workstations, see VDI workstations
WORM drives, 2.3
write modes, see VDI write modes
- XBIOS, 4.1
- calling from an interrupt, 4.20
- function calling procedure, 4.19
XCPB structure, 10.5
- XCONTROL, 10.1
- boot-only CPX's, 10.6
- callback functions, 10.17
- cpx flavors, 10.6
- event CPX's, 10.9
- executable format, 10.3
- file formats, 10.12
- file naming, 10.12
- form CPX's, 10.6
- function calling procedure, 10.13
- function reference, 10.15
- parameter block, 10.5
- resident CPX's, 10.7
- set-only CPX's, 10.7
- stack space, 10.13
- utility functions, 10.27
Xform_do(), 10.38
XGen_Alert(), 10.39
XGM partition, 4.16