Counting Fun 1.0 Freeware 1990-1992 Ken Winfield Intro.. Having two children I am concerned about the small amount of freely distributable educational software on the Amiga. I have written this program to help my children learn math skills, now I am offering them to you free. I sure hope they help your kids learn Math. Installation.. This program should have no problems running on any amiga with 1.3 or 2.0 operating systems. It will run from floppy or hard disk, installation just involves draging the icons to the designation dir. The font set "Plymouth" MUST BE ON YOUR SYSTEM DISK TO RUN THESE programs. Just copy the font Plymouth to your sys:fonts/ dir. Thanks-My Thanks to the author of the Plymounth font, it work wonderfully for this program. I was unable to find out the author so thanks to to whoever you are...Plymouth is available on one of the Devware font disk. Getting Started.. First Select your type of operation, addistion, subraction, or multipacation then select your level 1-3. 1 is easiest and is also default. Now press the GO! button, from this point on you only use the return key. The computer will now display a problem at your level and operation, now imput your answer and hit return. If your answer is correct you will hear a bell and a Smilely face will appear. If the answer was wrong your last guess will move to the field below the answer field and a sad face will appear. If you miss the answer again a loud buzz will sound, an angry face will appear and the correct answer will flash on the screen. Hit return to continue. Hints... *Most functions are controled by the return (enter) key. *Always keep a paper and pencil ready to work you problems on. *The numbers do not always line up correctly, so pay attention to numbers no spaces. Disclaimer.. Counting Fun is freely distributable as long as all of its files are included in their original form without additions, or modifications of any kind, and only a nominal(small) fee is charged for distribution. This software is provided as is without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.