Subject: You know your addicted to Magic when... ...Local stores call you when cards come in. ...there isn't a store in town that asks for your Driver's License when you write a check for Magic cards. ...your parents are both killed during a freak landslide of magic cards. ...the shopkeeper of your favorite store commits suicide upon hearing that you are quitting Magic. sell your unborn first son for a Mint Time Walk. have erotic fantasies involving serra angels. ...your little brother creases your mox jet, and you douse him with kerosene and leave him at a smoker's convention. name every land in your deck and recognize them on sight. begin sleeping with a night light because you're worried that your Lord of the Pit is getting that hungry look in his eye again. get in a fistfight, and instead of throwing punches, point at the other guy and say 'Lightning bolt!'. get sued by an unnamed company over certain references you made concerning their canine ancestry. (Read about Canticle's libel suit for more info, and no, he didn't accuse anyone of being a son of a bitch, which is where he went wrong.) send your idea for a Star Trek expansion set to WotC, chief among your ideas is a card called 'Live Long and Prosper'. buy a starter pack of Jyhad, play it for 5 minutes, and then return to Magic, muttering about Jyhad's enormous playing time. got a good laugh when Spellfire was released, but then, didn't everybody? enlarge your Chaos Orb to poster size and attempt to play in a tournament with it. ("Aw come on, Judge. My orb is touching my opponent, therefore he must be discarded from play.") take acid and stare at the oh-so mystic card back. can make friends simply by pulling a deck of cards out of your backpack. make long, silly lists like this to vent your frstration after you hear about a nice guy getting sued by a pack of wild hyenas. taunt newbies by offering them your black lotus, looking through their stuff, and then saying "Enh. I really don't see anything I like." after 45 minutes of looking. ...When you measure your pay increase in the number of extra booster packs you can buy! ...You start to make puns with card names, "A Mox on you!" ...Friday and Monday become the same day. want to hack forrest gump in plains gump.....i dont know how many times i heard it near the theatres after going to the movie. ... You carry a set of CoP's in your pocket just in case... ... on monday morning, you want to use "Time Walk" to be on friday evening. ... You want to cast a "Reverse Damage" on your income tax ! ... you go in a music shop and ask for a compact disc of the Titania's Song. ... you meet a friend wearing a hat and you say : "Hello, Tim !" ... You give a MOX to your girl-friend as a gift for her birthday. (Correlarry: She's addicted to Magic if you live through this...) ... you refer to your successive Prodigal Sorcerers as "Son of Tim" and "Tim Part III." ... you ask your chemistry teacher what the Atomic Symbol for Obsanius is. ... you're no longer embarrased to tell women about your Crystal Rod. ... you start telling loved ones that "I can quit any time! I just play socially!" ... you bewilder your friends at restaurants laughing insanely at the concept of Hamburger Mana and Circles of Protection: Cooties ...You 'tap' doorknobs instead of turning them. ...Your drug habit suffers because you spend too much money on Magic cards. ...All five of your housemates become addicted to the game. ...Sex no longer keeps you interested as a Magic duel does. ...When you start counting your paycheque in booster packs instead of $$$. walk through a park and try to tap the trees for mana.