New software for your PC! PC-TOILET v1.0 This new product for IBM and compatible computers replaces those silly trashcans. Yes, instead of dumping your old files into a trashcan, you can flush them down the toilet! Comes with PCTOILETPAPER to clean up those messy files that are hard to flush. PC-PAINTER v1.0 Not a graphics drawing program, PCPAINTER will actually paint your house for you! No more having to lose valuable computer time because your wife wants to repaint the kitchen! Once installed onto a 1 gig drive, PCPAINTER will be capable of painting your house in a VGA 256-color palette. PC-PEPSI v1.0 Instead of buying a can of Pepsi and risking infectious diseases through the needles randomly inserted in cans, you can use PCPEPSI to simulate the look, taste, and smell of real Pepsi! It bubbles, it fizzes, it's better than the real thing because you can't catch any diseases from it! Just be careful not to spill it on your keyboard! PC-NICOTINE v1.0 Why spend thousands of dollars a year on cigarettes when PC-NICOTINE will provide all the carcinogens you need for the low, low price of $39.95??? (SmellBlaster (tm) card required) PC-SYSOP v1.0 The ultimate program for BBS Sysops! Why waste time replying to messages that say "Yuor bord sukz and I nede more filz rite now or I'l hak you, sukker!" when PC-SYSOP can send 50 million volts of electricity through the modem and straight up their patooties? Avoid aggravation with PC-SYSOP! PC-RUDEMAIL v1.0 Why be insulted via echomail by rude people that are thousands of miles away when PC-RUDEMAIL will provide the same features without a time lag? No more waiting 3-4 days to have someone in Australia tell you that you're an idiot - your computer can cut out the middleman and tell you that you're an idiot right away! PC-GHOST v1.0 Have you ever wondered if your computer was haunted? Now it can be, with PC-GHOST! Guaranteed to send at least one angry spirit screaming after your hardware. Takes the guesswork out of figuring out what those strange sounds mean that drive a:\ is making... they're the hollerings of the undead! PC-TABLOID v1.0 Why wait for next week's issue of the Weekly World News when PC-TABLOID can give you the headlines in advance? Elvis Is Secretly Engaged To The Face On Mars! Elvis Is Hillary's Secret Lover! Plus Lots More! PC-TABLOID is guaranteed to check its facts just as closely as the Weekly World News. PC-LAMER v1.0 Don't be insulted by elite warez d00dz - let PC-LAMER do it for you! Every time you boot your system, it will remind you that you're a pathetic lamer and will make rude sounds using your LamerBlaster (tm) card to ensure you don't ignore it. PC-PIR8 v1.0 Don't let the elite warez d00dz be one up on you - let PC-PIR8 translate all your echomail messages! If you write "Where can I get an illegal copy of Wordperfect 6.0," PC-PIR8 will translate it to "Hey man, eye nede a cracked copy of WP6 for my warez colection." Spelling options include Bad, Very Bad, and Moronic.