>===========================< GEMS OF KNOWLEDGE by Cecil Adams Adolph Hitler spoke of the empire he was trying to build as the Third Reich. What were reichs One and Two? - Wilburforce, Blue Mounds, Wisconsin According to a soon-to-be-published tome called 'The Hitler Fact Book' by Thomas Fuchs (like I say, I get the most amazing stuff in the mail), "the first reich was the Holy Roman Empire of the Middle Ages; the second, the one established by Bismarck and emded by Germany's defeat in 1918." The term was a favorite of Hitler's propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels. Hitler himself wasn't that crazy about it, Fuchs notes; he outlawed the term at the beginning of World War II and referred to his relm merely as the Reich. Another Nazi term, "Thousand Year Reich," supposedly had its origin in a remark by Hitler following the purge of June 1934, when he had many of his one-time supporters murdered. Hitler said the victims had been plotting a revolt, and promised there would be no more such strife for a thousand years. Both the question and the response were obtained, word for word, from Cecil Adam's column in Baltimore City Paper. "The Straight Dope". Cecil Adams also wrote two books, "The Straight Dope" and "More of The Straight Dope", both published by Chicago Review Press. In these books, available at most bookstores, Cecil Adams answers wacky questions like the one above. Some of the questions are real weirdos.