This document last updated: July 25, 1992 Latest known release of Super Zmodem: 1.60 Latest known release of Telix: 3.15 INSTALLING SuperZmodem in TELIX by Octavian #1 on THE SPEARPOINT BBS * 410-889-5156 * 211 MEGS I have been quite surprised at the number of requests I have recieved about installing Super Zmodem in Telix. This is not surprising, however, because the documentation for Super Zmodem is confusing and poorly-written. This document, SZTELIX.TXT, is meant to provide a clear, concise set of instructions for installing the Super Zmodem protocol to work with Telix. First of all, this document is not copyrighted in any way, and the author holds no responsibility for any of the information within. Any damage caused in any way by the contents of this document is of no fault of the author. Although it is legal for you to modify this document, I hope that your moral standards are high enough to keep it intact. CHAPTER ONE: Initial installation. This document assumes that you have Super Zmodem 1.60 or above, and may be incompatible with any lower version, such as 1.44. First of all, unzip the file SZMOD160.ZIP into your telix directory. Change to your telix directory, and type SZCONFIG. The configuration program for Super Zmodem is pretty self-explanatory, and it is both menu and mouse-driven. You should have no problems with SZCONFIG. A future release of this document may cover the configuration program in detail, but at the moment I feel no real need for this. CHAPTER TWO: Creating batch files for SZModem. Substitution chart for this chapter: <<1>>: The com port your modem is installed in. <<2>>: The baud rate of your modem. <<3>>: The directory telix is in, WITH THE TERMINATING BACKSLASH. Once you have configured Super Zmodem, you should create two batch files in your TELIX directory. Type the following, SUBSTITUTING <<1>>, <<2>>, and <<3>> according to the chart listed above. COPY CON SSZ.BAT SZMODEM PORT <<1>> SPEED <<2>> /SZTURBO SZ %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 ^Z To make the ^Z character, you may hit either f6 or ctrl-Z. If you have correctly completed the process, you should see the message 1 file(s) copied. Then type: COPY CON RSZ.BAT SZMODEM PORT <<1>> SPEED <<2>> /SZTURBO RZ <<3>> ^Z You should then see the 1 file(s) copied message again. Just to clarify things, I shall give an example. Let's say you have a 2400 baud modem installed on Com2, and Telix is in the directory C:\TELIX. You would then type: COPY CON SSZ.BAT SZMODEM PORT 2 SPEED 2400 /SZTURBO SZ %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 ^Z COPY CON RSZ.BAT SZMODEM PORT 2 SPEED 2400 /SZTURBO RZ C:\TELIX\ ^Z CHAPTER THREE: Installing Super Zmodem as an external protocol in Telix. Now, go into Telix. Once you are in the main Telix area, hit Alt-O to configure Telix, and select "Protocol Options" from the menu that appears. Select one of the four blank external protocol slots (hit A, B, C, or D), and enter the information as follows: Hotkey: U Protocol Name: SUperZ Upload filename: SSZ.BAT Download filename: RSZ.BAT Batch/Script: Batch Download name: No Now hit ESC, and go back to the configure menu. Select "Write setup to disk." Once Telix has saved your setup, you are all set! Now, whenever you download, if you want to use SuperZmodem, just select the SUperZ protocol or hit the U key. Simple, effective, no? If you benefited from this document, please call the Spearpoint at 410-889-5156. I am hoping to write documents on using other protcols with Telix and Procomm. Thank you for your support. ---Octavian