GENERAL.TEXT ------------ Welcome to my first demo on the Amiga, my name on the Amiga is MICROMAN but my real name to my friends is Robert Wilson. This demo has been produced completely on AMOS and was completed in half a day!!! This shows what you can do quickly. What I needed: Deluxe Paint (To produce shaded balls etc) Digitizer (To digitize me & computer on title screen) AMOS Basic (To program in) AMOS RUN ONLY (To execute program with more memory & no editor!) MUSIC CONVERT (Converts Sound Tracker to Amos) AMOS PD MUSIC (To get as many music compilations as possible together) MANUAL (For trying to work out screen handling) By the way AMOS, how are you meant to initialise screens, load up some, change them, etc etc without the BASIC getting so confused it shows the wrong picture all the time. I hope you can help!!!! on this disk there is a program called AUTOEXEC.AMOS, this contains the loader & intro for the demo. In the BEATY_BALLS/ folder you will find a program called BEATY_BALLS.AMOS which contains all the program information to play the music balls, please do use the code if you want. To contact me (if you are desperate enough) write to me at: 47 Reedswood Road, Hastings, East Sussex, TN38 8DW , ENGLAND.