Here are some questions I found some were. Try and fill them in and return me an Email, All returned Email will receive the correct answers. Have fun. 1.) Where's the dollar? Three men want a hotel room, but there's only one left. It rents for $10. The men agree to pay $10 apiece to share the room. Afterward the desk clerk has a change of heart: "I really overcharged those guys. I'll refund 'em five bucks and only charge them 25." He gives the bellboy five $1 bills and says. "Give this to the men in 301 as a refund." On the way upstairs, the bellboy thinks. "it's going to be difficult to split $5 three ways. I'll just slip $2 in my pocket and give them $3-- one apiece." Now each man has paid $9 for his room: Three times nine is 27. plus $2 in the bellboy's pocket makes 29. Where's the other dollar? 2.) What colour is the bear? A man builds a house with four sides to it, and it is rectangle in shape. Each side has a southern exposure. He sees a bear walk by a window. Question: What colour is the bear? 3.) The reluctant surgeon. A father is driving his son to school when they have a terrible accident. The father is killed, and the boy is rushed to the emergency room. A surgeon comes in, takes one look, and says. "I cannot operate on this boy; he is my son." How is this possible? 4.) Lily pads, Amoebas, and Rats. A.) There is a species of lily pad that doubles in size every day. A single lily pad can be placed in a lake, and 60 days later the lake is completely covered. How long would it take a single lily pad to cover half the lake? B.) In the first version of this theme, An amoeba splits itself every three seconds. When one amoeba is placed in a jar, it takes 60 seconds to fill the jar. How long would it take to fill the jar, if you started with two amoebas? C.) If it takes 16 hours for a pair of amoebas, splitting at the rate of once every hour, to fill a quart jar, how long would it take one amoeba, splitting at the same rate, to fill a similar jar? D.) A certain species of rat doubles its population every 30 days. If you start with one rat in a room with ample air, water, nutrients, and space, how many rats will be in the room after 360 days? 5.) What are your credentials? A man went to the hospital to visit another man in intensive care. A nurse stopped him at the door and told him only family members could visit, and asked the man how he was related to the patient. The visitor replied in rhyme: "Brothers and sisters have I none, but that man's father is my fathers son." The nurse immediately gave him permission to enter. What was the relationship? Aptitude Test. 1.) Spare change. I have two U.S. coins that total 55 cents in value. One is not a nickel! What are the two coins? 2.) Ancient Artifact. An archaeologist claims to have found the oldest Roman coin-- dated 6 B.C. His colleagues want him expelled from the Archaeology Club. Why? 3.) Thirty days hath.... Some months have 30 days and some months have 31. How many have 28 days? 4.) Forest Dash. How far can a dog run into the woods? 5.) Expected total. How many birthdays does the average man have? 6.) Herd remaining. A farmer had 17 sheep. All but nine died. How many sheep did he have left? 7.) Baseball knowledge. Three strikes are out and four balls are a walk. How many outs in an inning? 8.) Prescription. A doctor gives you three pills and tells you to take one every half hour. How long will the pills last? 9.) Math problem. Divide 30 by one half and add 10. What's the answer? 10.) Cherry picker. How can you remove the cherry from the matchstick "Old-fashioned Glass" buy moving only two matches? | | = one match 0 = the cherry | | | | | | 0 | ------- | | | 11.) Tired. If you went to bed at eight o'clock at night and set your grandfather's favourite alarm clock to wake you at nine in the morning, how many hours sleep would you get? 12.) You see them every day. What four words have appeared on every denomination of U.S. coins? (Hint: They aren't "In God We Trust") 13.) Weigh-Off. Charlie is a butcher. He is 50 years old, five feet six inches tall, and has a 36-inch waist. By your best estimate, what does Charlie weigh? 14.) Double purchase. A boy buys a bat and ball for $1.10. If the bat costs a dollar more than the ball, how much does the ball cost? 15.) Special Date. Two days ago, my son was three years old. Next year, will be six years old. What is my son's birth date? 16.) Get it out. There is a 5ç in a wine bottle, which is corked shut. How can you get the money out without taking the cork out or breaking the bottle? 17.) The Hen Problem. If a hen and a half lays an egg and a half in a day and a half, Then answer these questions: A.) How long would it take ten hens to lay ten eggs? B.) How many eggs will six hens lay in seven days? C.) How much does a pound of cheese weigh? 18.) Hole diggers. If it takes six men six minutes to dig six holes, how long will it take for ten men to dig ten holes? 19.) Killer Cats. If three cats kill three rats in three minutes, how long will it take 100 cats to kill 100 rats? 20.) Omelette. If eggs are selling for 12 cents a dozen, how much will 100 eggs cost? See ya. Ta :))