ACM.LHA Amiga C manual w/ many examples AGA_TEST.LHA Example code that takes advantage of AGA H BOVS20.LHA Replacement overlay system and startup cod BUMPREV.LHA manages revision in C and assembler source BUTCLAS1.LHA Boopsi button class with Sas/C 6.2 source C_CED.LHA Cygmis Ed utilities for C programmers CAT2H10B.LHA Convert catalog desc. files to very effici CFORMAT.LHA A simple program to format C-source CPP2LATE.LHA Make pretty program listings with latex CTAB.LZH formats a C-source code, makes it more rea CURSES_2.LHA Amiga Curses Package V2.00 DCCINLIN.LHA Creates INLINE libraries for DICE C Compil DICEPREF.LHA DICE-AREXX environment DRCHIP1_.LZH C tools: ccb flist hdrtag toproto FEDCASE.LHA ANSI-C Source code generator from flow-cha HELLOWOR.C a SAS C helloworld. Size: 232 bytes INCLUDES.LZH shows which .h's a set of C files includes INDENT_1.LHA Re-format C-source-code INTUITIO.LZH Intuition Encapsulation for C++ MAKECAT.LHA Catalog Maker for V38++ OBJECTIV.LHA Replacement GadTools done as BOOPSI object OCT_1_99.LHA Objective-C Translator PARSE.LHA options parser on command line for C PROTOMAN.LHA prototype database manager. QUIK_FIX.LZH Connect GNU Emacs and Manx Aztec C by ARex RCONFIG.LHA Replacement Lib. Manager for Aztec C SAS2CED5.LHA interface from SAS/C 5.10b to CygnusEd 2.1 SAS_C_EM.LHA SAS/C error message handler for GNU Emacs. SRI.LZH ARexx-Interface for SAS/C Compiler UE2SAS10.LHA Run SAS C's sc from the UEdit editor