press a function key to load ... press a function key to save ... insert game save disk and press fire. game over. press fire to restart level. the one who enters, shall never leave. until death comes calling, and the spirit set free. my advice is this, trust no one. i have been fooled by even the most trusting souls. at least i have worked out these switches. the left switch is the right one. to reach the exit i must get past the force field. the field is too strong to destroy. i think the only way to get past it is to cut off its power source. there is an underground generator which i cannot get to, these breathers supply air to the generator. maybe if i destroy all the breathers the generator will overheat. stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage. when i thought i was trapped, i opened my mind for new solutions, walls are created in the mind. there are many paths to travel on. choose wisely, your destiny lies on one path only. be sure to be well armed before waking the beast. kilmando is tougher than most. the key master has the masterkey. nobody can leave without the masterkey. the end is clear, but the journey is long. invisible walls, are just as strong. he who hesitates will not survive. be prepared to move quickly. here i lie trapped forever, no way out at the end of my tether, the heroes graveyard. the treasure room. the gold is mine. darkness will fall on anyone who disturbs my treasure. beyond this point, forever will you travel. the never ending maze, three keys to unravel. if i lie, the first switch is up. if i am honest, the second switch is up. if i lie, the third switch is up. to find the right switch, start on the left, four to the right, two left, three right, one left. the scrolls may help you crack the combination. he who gains wealth gains power. collect all the money you can find. it may aid you in your quest. no one can pass here until the magic of the sword is summoned. go back while you still can. death will come to he who passes this point. go back and rescue both girls. step carefully, only the true path will lead to glory. destroy the minotaurs life stores, and it will be given unto you. the trophy room. avoid temptation. riches may be found in the most unexpected places. the kings treasury. night, day, night, day, night. black, white, black, white, black. anything but switch three. the guard room. go back if you wish to live. the badlands will be your undoing. wrong way, go back. the minotaur lives in the castle of darkness. no one has ever come out of the castle alive. go back and rescue both girls. i know who you are. i have forseen your arrival at the labyrinth. i am gorland, an elder of the tylorian clan, a small group of alchemists. it is unfortunate that your wisdom does not match your bravery. a wise man would not begin the quest you have begun. your compassion for your people will be your undoing. soon you will be trapped here for the rest of your remaining days, just as i am. you may, however, have a chance of rescuing your friends before they are served up to the minotaur. your friends are held in prison cells. it is rumoured that the only way to open the prison is by the use of one of these orbs. i have stolen them from the guards. bring me a bag of coins and you shall have an orb. i was banished from the tylorian clan for pursuing forbidden practices in alchemy. the high lord sent me here as punishment, knowing i could never get out. for five hundred years have i been trapped here. i have had a long time to think about ways to escape the labyrinth. even with all my powers i have only one option. i have reached an agreement with the gatekeeper. if i give him six bags of gold coins he will open the great doors and give me my freedom. i have not the strength to defeat the many evils of the labyrinth. i am of the spirit, not the body. your predecessor, karlos, learnt that the hard way. that is why i need you. together there is a chance for you to rescue your friends and for me to be free. only together do we have the power to defeat the minotaur. if i told you half of what i know, you would not continue. as i need you to bring me gold coins, i will not enlighten you with the future. all i can say is this. if the puzzles do not kill you, then the monsters will. if the monsters do not kill you, then the size will. if the size does not kill you, then the minotaur will. i have seen a lot of things that your mere mortal brain could not even begin to comprehend. you have no idea what you are getting into. you are no longer the applauded hero young theseus, you are now minotaur fodder. believe me when i tell you, no person, force, beast, or animal has escaped alive. you will be no exception. the only thing you can do now you are here is to save your friends and bring me the coins. go now, you have much to learn. you do not have enough money theseus. come back when you do. well done theseus. maybe i have underestimated you. here is an orb for your troubles. it is rumoured that there are secret portholes to be found throughout the labyrinth. they have been described as tunnels of light. it is said that these portholes lead to the other world, whatever that means. it is my belief that they send you outside the labyrinth. if you can find one, you could use it to save your friends. i did not think i would be seeing you again. another orb well earnt theseus. i hope we will meet again. i am karlos. it is good to finally see someone who is on my side. do no attempt to free me. i am too weak to come with you and would hinder your mission. if the guards find me free, i will be tortured. you are our only hope now theseus. do not trust anybody. even your own eyes can deceive you in this god forsaken place. the king sent me to defeat the minotaur. the powers of the labyrinth proved too great even with my magical abilities. your presence has given me hope. my life is only possible if you succeed. although i have failed in my quest, i have found out something very important. i was hoping you would come. the secret to getting through the labyrinth lies in the many swords you will find as you journey through the corridors. there is one sword which we need. it is called, the magical sword of zendren, and has magical abilities far beyond my own. the problem is there is only one sword of zendren, yet there are so many swords in the labyrinth that look the same. i do not know where the true sword is. i cannot help you with that. each time i tried to remove a sword, it felt like my life was being sucked from within me. it was not long before i became too weak to fight the guards. as you can see, i was captured. you are our last hope theseus. bring me the sword of zendren and i will know what to do with it. good work theseus. i do not know how you found the right one, but you have proven your worth. i am free at last. when i invoke the sword, i will be free and you will be able to finally reach the force field. thankyou theseus, good luck. bring me the sword of zendren theseus. i do not know how much longer i can stay like this. no time to talk, there is a lot at stake. dressed a little formal are we theseus. you should have told me it was fancy dress day. i am jobe the blacksmith, but you can call me jobe. so, are you here on holiday. i hope you brought the kids. the smell of rotting flesh can be quite pleasant at this time of year. i had the choice of becoming a blacksmith or being tortured to death. the minotaur is most persuasive. maybe you just have to get to know him. it does not pay much, but it is a living. i have been making weapons and armor for the minotaurs little helpers. i do not get to see much down here, which is good because those monsters are ugly mothers. maybe they have a good personality. sorry, i am waffling again. i only know about weapons. there was a sword that came through here once. it was the same as the others that i make to furnish the labyrinth. this one was very different though. i had to replace the handle and noticed it vibrating in my hands, almost as if it were alive. i was glad to get rid of it. i think they put it somewhere near the graveyard, but i am not sure. you should go and take a look. after all, it will probably be your home soon. you should reserve a spot with a view. you have nothing i need. unless you want to part with that crossbow. it would look great on my display wall. i did not think so. i do have something for you. if you want to get past the field, you will need these tongs. you need to destroy the breathers and remove the fireball to disable the field. use the tongs to remove it. greetings theseus. i believe we have already discussed this. do not give up. you must fight the urge to conform to the minotaurs ways. the true warrior draws strength from within. that is not enough money. here is an orb. use it wisely. another orb. two more bags of gold and i will be free. i griffin. griffin want out. griffin dying. griffin challenge minotaur. griffin lose. griffin want revenge. take this stopper. you will need it. find kings ring. avenge my death. i am naga the gatekeeper. i was chosen to defend the great barrier. this is my duty to the king. although i have never met him. only the minotaur or the king himself may pass. you have the ring. you must be the king. you may pass sire. you may not pass. leave. you still have a journey ahead of you theseus. this is not the time for talking. you are on your own from here on. i need a full bag of gold. this one is not full. thankyou theseus. here is an orb. you did it. now i can pay the gatekeeper. here is the last orb. good luck. see you on the other side. hello theseus, i am scylla. i am waiting for the inevitable transformation. if i last that long that is. the minotaur has created a technology to transform any captives into one of his evil minions. there are many girls around here in the process of transformation. the process is very painful and they should be put out of their misery. believe me, you will be doing them a favour. you will save them from an eternity of hell. you must save them all by destroying them theseus. i cannot bear to see them being tortured like this. there is a combination switch behind you. destroy all girls who are being transformed and i will tell you the combination. please hurry theseus. there is nothing you can do for me. good work theseus. i know it was not easy, but it was necessary. the combination is as follows, push in the first two switches, and the last two switches. i am ravana. nobody may pass unless they defeat the three guardians. i was chosen to test all warriors. only the strongest shall pass this point. one of your predecessors thought he could get passed by stealing my sacred amulet. he chose unwisely. find my amulet, return it to me, and i will give you something of value that may aid your quest. at last i have it. take one of these iron rods. it is your only chance of getting past the vortex. do not try my patience, bring me my amulet. congratulations you have destroyed the minotaur and put an end to the innocent slaughter. you have proven your worth. the bonus game password is legend. we hope you enjoyed the final odyssey and had as much fun playing it as we did making it. game design, programming, graphics, and sound by peter spinaze. proudly brought to you by vulcan software limited.