Speed up ! ProGearSpec by Mankind. a HURRY warpos demo Code HURRY UP Krabob GFX HURRY UP Krabob GFX HURRY UP Grenat MSX HURRY UP Tex. done by madness just before going to the army... (in 5 hours I disappear.) need to run: a ppc + warpos (powerpc.library) + AHI + dbplayer.library v2.0 (it's given.) CGX -> ** NOT YET IMPLEMENTED ** ** DONT TRY IT: IT CRASHES ** ( graphic card user can try "WB window" but it's uglily 8bit-remapped. ) ( watch out for a fix-patch before december 1999) HAM6 12bit is the best at the moment. CGX will be 15bit and faster (I SWEAR.) How to run ProGearSpec ? if you didn't have dbplayer.library in your LIBS: directory, copy it once for all. How can I Skip the prefs Window ? By setting values in the tooltypes in icon/info ! possible values are: ScreenID= pal pal256 dblpal cgx ** NOT YET ** win ** WB Window (ugly) ** ahiID= PaulaMono PaulaStereo Req ** ahi requester ** If everything went OK, The UKONX guys will send all this for me on aminet in early october. peskanov ! this one was coded both in c & asm ! (using vbcc & pasm.) (some routines could be faster anyway.) greets to UKONX , all amiga PPC coders, To venus art for the asm C2P to the spanish scene, to pure, to lucis magia, at the slash party. Like KIKI prod say: Make MORE DEMOS !!! Yahhooo I've done it.