---------------------------------------------------------------------- S·A·T·A·N·I·C D·R·E·A·M·S S·O·F·T·W·A·R·E ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SATANIC DREAMS SOFTWARE SIGNUP ------------------------------ PLEASE ALSO READ "Details.TXT". NOTE: Please take the time to read the conditions and agreement before filling out the form! As you might not want to after you do! Or not be able to! We are interested in ANY skills: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o Writers for disk-mag articles o Disk-mag`s o 2D Graphics for demos/intros/slideshows/games o 3D Graphics for games/logos/others o Programmers in different languages IE, Blitz/C/C++/Asm/Amos/AmigaE,.etc. o Musicians to compose SoundTracker/OctaMED/MIDI/DigiBooster Modules o Web site designers/HTML knowledge + ANYTHING else! If you want to find Playtesters/Beta-Testers/Critics, this is the place. So if you are interested, read the Terms and Conditions below and complete the SignUp form. CONDITIONS AND AGREEMENT: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o Your only obligations towards Satanic Dreams are those here on this Agreement, you immediatly drop all these obligations if you decide to leave. o Satanic Dreams has the right to close your account down, at ANY time, for ANY reason! o Keep the atmosphere as friendly as possible! o You can leave Satanic Dreams Software whenever you want. (If you wish to leave (hopefully you wont) Please give some sort of notice, and not just disappear :)) o Satainc Dreams reserves the right to change or ammend any part of the signup details! o ALL details given are STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL!! In no event will your details be released to third party companies! Except your E-Mail and handle which will be put on the Web-Site if you do not specify otherwise! o Above all work as a team! You CANNOT join Satanic Dreams if: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o You do not have an ACTIVE E-Mail account. o You cannot be subscribed to the E-Groups Mailing list (for whatever reason). o You have nothing to bring to a Design Group of this nature, (IE: You have no computer design skills). o You are not going to pull your weight. o You are going to cause trouble or annoy other members of the group. DETAILS: ~~~~~~~~ o When you have finshed filling in the signup form, at the bottom of the page, you will have the oppertunity to send your E-Mail address to E-Groups, this is to dispatch an invitation to YOUR E-Mail address, requesting you to reply to it, so that you can join the Satanic Dreams Mailing-List. The reason for this is so that invitations cant be forged in your name. o When you signup you must put yourself on the Satanic Dreams mailing list. On there, any new projects and ideas can be outlined and considered. If members wish to join in a project they can do so. o You will be sent the Satanic Dreams Members' pack when you signup outlining in great detail, the aim, members + more,. o Releasing software under Satanic Dreams means you dont have to do the advertising, and we will try to do as much of it as we can for you! But of course you dont have to release software under Satanic Dreams. o To subscribe externally to the mailing list, send a blank E-Mail to: satanicdreams-subscribe@egroups.com Co-ordinator, Loki --8<-(-CUT-HERE-)----------------------------------------------------- ALL DETAILS BELOW ARE *STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL*! I HAVE READ THE SIGNUP `TERMS AND CONDITIONS' ON THE WEBSITE OR THE NON-MEMBERS' PACK (Signup.TXT), AND I AGREE TO THEM. PLEASE PROCESS MY SIGNUP FORM: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *PERSONAL INFORMATION:* [ First Name]: [ Last Name]: [ Nick/Handle]: [ Date of Birth]: [__/__/__] [ Gender]: [M/F] *CONTACTS, INTERNET AND YOUR COMPUTER:* [ E-Mail address]: [ Voice Telephone number]: [ FAX Telephone number]: [if applicable] [ Home Page]: [if applicable] [ ICQ UIN]: [if applicable] [ Which computer do you use?]: [Amiga/PC/MAC/Other] *POSTAL ADDRESS:* [ Address]: [ Country]: [ State]: [if applicable] [ ZIP/Postal Code]: *DESIGN TALENT:* Would you say you are reasonably good at any of the following? [Star as appropriate. EG: [*] ] [ HTML/Web-Site Design]: [_] [ Writing Articles/Literature]: [_] [ 2D Art and Design]: [_] [ 3D Art and Design]: [_] [ Music Composition]: [_] If so, which format(s)? [ DigiBooster(PRO)]: [_] [ OctaMED]: [_] [ Pro/Sound/Noise Tracker]: [_] [ MIDI]: [_] [ Other Format(s)]: [ Programming]: [_] If so, which language(s)? [ Blitz Basic]: [_] [ C/C++ or Java]: [_] [ AMOS]: [_] [ AmigaE]: [_] [ ASM]: [_] [ Other Language(s)]: [ Any other Skills]: *PREFERENCES:* [ Add your E-Mail to the Members' list?]: [Y/N] [ Which archiver do you use?]: [LHA/ZIP/LZX] *ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:* Any other information we should know, such as other Design Groups that you are a member of, any programs/projects you have released, etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FORWARD TO: signup@satanicdreams.freeserve.co.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --8<-(-CUT-HERE-)----------------------------------------------------- LASTLY: ~~~~~~~ Now send a blank E-Mail to: satanicdreams-subscribe@egroups.com And then reply to the returned invitation. And you will be listed!