
Screenshot Vital information:
  • Publisher: Hudsonsoft
  • Released in: 1991
  • Mapper: ?
  • Size: 128kb
  • Type of game: Bomberman
  • Check compatibility with emulators! The details:
  • The plot:
    Get out of jail.
  • How To Play:
    The same as bomberman move about pressing B to drop bombs. You have to kill all the baddies then find the exit which is hidden behind one of the destructable blocks. check out bomberman docs, the game is played the same.
  • Cheats:
    CODE	KEY IN . . .	EFFECT . . .
    1	AEEGEPZA	Start with 1 life
    2	IEEGEPZA	Start with 6 lives
    3	AEEGEPZE	Start with 9 lives
    4	GXKGKXVK	Infinite lives
    5	GXXONEVK	Infinite timer
    6	LVXOUELL	Slower timer
    7	TOXOUELU	Faster timer
    8	AEKAZYLA	Always have detonator
    9	YNEOLXLK	Bomb has a longer fuse
    10	AXEOLXLG	Bomb has a shorter fuse
    11	GXOLSXVS	Stop bombs from exploding
    12	GAXKSTAA + GASKKTAA	Super start
    13	OXXAPYSX + PEXAZNVZ	Always walk through bombs
    14	OXOEGYSX + PEOEINSZ	Always walk through walls
    15	EASPTANG	Dollar sign acts as flame face
    16	GYSPTANG	Dollar sign acts as bomb
    17	KASPTANK	Dollar sign acts as heart with bomb
    18	OPSPTANG	Dollar sign acts as skate
    19	OZSPTANK	Dollar sign acts as vest for a short time
    For a sound test enter the password K3456712. Press Up and Down to choose your options, press A to set the sounds and Start to hear them.
  • Comment:
    Better than the original.
  • Rating: 6/10

  • Page last updated: August 25, 1998