
Screenshot Vital information:
  • Publisher: Data East
  • Released in: 1989
  • Mapper: 4
  • Size: 256kb
  • Type of game: Scrolling beat 'em up. The English version was called Dragon Ninja
  • Check compatibility with emulators! The details:
  • The plot:
    Rescue the president.
  • How To Play:
    You have to reach the end of the level and kill the boss, you'll face various enemies you you can attack with A or avoid. B will make you jump, to jump between the top and bottom levels hold down up or down then press jump. Sometimes enemies will leave behind weapons or coke (energy), to pick these up duck and press A.
  • Cheats:
    Extra Lives
    At the title screen, press B, A, Down, Up, Down, Up on Controller 2, then 
    press Start on Controller 1.
    Flaming Punch
    Hold A until your fighter flashes, then release it.
    CODE	KEY IN . . .	EFFECT . . .
    1	SZNKASVK	Infinite lives
    2	GXOKASVK	Infinite continues
    3	PENXYZLA	Start with 1 life and 1 continue
    4	TENXYZLA	Start with double lives and continues
    5	PENXYZLE	Start with triple lives and continues
    6	PESAIYIE	Gain double usual energy from drinks
    7	APEETPEY	Become completely invincible!
  • Comment:
    Reasonable beat 'em up.
  • Rating: 6/10

  • Page last updated: September 7, 1998