
Screenshot Vital information:
  • Publisher: Jaleco
  • Released in: 1990
  • Mapper: 4
  • Size: 256kb
  • Type of game: Platform Slash 'em up.
  • Check compatibility with emulators! The details:
  • The plot:
    Rescue someone and kill an evil bloke.
  • How To Play:
    View official docs!
  • Cheats:
    CODE	KEY IN . . .	EFFECT . . .
    1	AUEKGUAP	Infinite spell energy
    2	SZUGTISA	Infinite life energy
    3	AZKAVZGO	Double life and spell energy
    4	AEUEUGZA + AASAXZZA	Start with 1 life
    5	IEUEUGZA + IASAXZZA	Start with double lives
    6	AEUEUGZE + AASAXZZE	Start with triple lives
    7	PAKEKZAA	Start with Blast Spell
    8	ZAKEKZAA	Start with Bind Spell
    9	GPKAXZGA	Start with extra weapon power 
    10	SZUGEUVK	Keep weapons after death
  • Comment:
  • Rating: 4/10

  • Page last updated: August 31, 1998