
Screen Shot Vital information:
  • Publisher: ?
  • Released in: ?
  • Mapper: 2
  • Size: 128Kb
  • Type of game: A tunnel shooter game in the tradition of the arcade version of Star Wars.
  • Check compatibility with emulators! The details:
  • The plot:
    I have no idea on this one. The game is in Japanese, and I've never seen it outside the ROM image I found. You seem to play a girl in a school uniform who flies about the countryside being attacked by flying spiked balls, trees and evil animals. You shoot at them with glowing energy ovals. I am unsure of the full name of the game, and just have the name of the ZIP file I discovered to go by.
  • How To Play:
    The control pad moves you up down, right and left. The A button fires. Pretty basic. Shoot what you can, and dodge the rest. The enemies bob and weave about, and the game play is suprisingly fast.
  • Cheats:
    None Available.(Yet?)
  • Comment:
    I was impressed with the play being so smooth and all the detail in the game. Little things like shadows enhance the game. - Mathew R. Ignash (
  • Rating:
  • Suggested conversions:
  • Any number of space games could be constructed from this one by altering the graphics, space battles being the most obvious. - Mathew R. Ignash (

  • Page last updated: September 7, 1998