-=- The unofficial Amiga Tamagotchi simulator, the Tamigatchi -=- -=- Prototype 6 -=- by Darwin -=Background=- Yeah I got into them Tamagotchi things from when I first heard about them around the 22nd Mar `97 and got one on the 10th May `97 from Toys'R'Us' first shipment to the UK, I've had the idea of making a program ever since I got all the animated gifs of the display off the web but didn't have a real Tamagotchi to copy the program's routines from, now I've had one of the little bleeders (yeah it can be a pain to keep alive) for about three months now and have created the start of a sim. (my Tama web page is http://www.ridhughz.demon.co.uk/tamagotchi/ but you won't find this program there yet) -=The simulator versions=- There are 3 versions in the archive, each with proper Tamagotchi sounds and graphics, "Tamigatchi" which opens it's own screen and press SPACE or Ctrl+C to quit that one (not for gfx card users or non TV screen users), "TamigatchiWB" which is a WorkBench version using GadTools (note: there will be NO MUI version, cos there isn't any point in doing a MUI version, it's a cyber pet for chrissake, not a web browser), and "TamigatchiWB-Laced" which is a WorkBench version for screens with a 1:1 pixel ratio (ie hires interlaced or gfx card owners). The WorkBench versions run at a priority of -1 so as to not eat up CPU time unnecessarily cos AmosPro sucks up CPU time like a vacuum cleaner (but doesn't suck CPU as bad as one of Tama sims I've had the displeasure of trying out...) It's programmed in AmosPro cos I can't be bothered to learn any new languages yet and I know AmosPro pretty well, if you don't like it then don't complain to me, I wrote this Tama sim for me, not you, I just thought others might like to see what it's all about. -=How much of it works?=- What works so far: The game, injections when it randomly gets ill, and cleaning up after it goes to the toilet, and the most recent addition is the meal option, to feed it either a meal or cake (the gfx are from the. Japanese version, so the meal looks like a bowl of rice instead of a loaf of bread) I think probably the next step for the program will be being able to feed it, and then after that the status, then if I can be bothered to do any more to it, having it beep when it gets hungry/sad or for no reason at all. Maybe I'll make it sleep one day. -=What does this button do?=- To use it, the left button=select, the middle=execute option and the right=cancel. To start off press the select button which will hilite the first menu option, then press it again to move the option along and press the execute button to use the option hilited. When playing the game, the select button becomes guess left, the execute button becomes guess right and the cancel button cancels the game. To quit, click on the close window for the WorkBench version or press space on the full screen version. -=Hey this sim still sucks compared to a real Tama=- If you're thinking "great, I don't have to buy a real one now I have this sim", well you're missing out on the whole picture of the Tamagotchi, it's not just an instant thing you load up and play with whenever you want like this sim, you miss out on holding a physical object you can carry round in your pocket and/or on a keychain, starting it off from an egg and caring for it until it dies a week or more later. -=What about an update?=- Don't email me asking when there's going to be another update as I won't reply, I'll update it when I can be bothered as it's something I play around with in my spare time, not something I can make any money out of because of the copyright legalities, and those who make their Tama sims shareware are just suckers, it's not worth the money. My Tamigatchi will always be a prototype because I don't intend to program it down to the very last byte and make it make it actually morph stages if you care for it long enough, it's just too much hassle and I just wanted to create it to see how well I could re-create it's functions accurately in a computer program. -=Other cyber pets=- BTW, I also own 4 Tamagotchi copies (including a Tiger GigaPet, the Compu Kitty which I got real fed up of it beeping every flipping 5 minutes so I didn't even have it running for more than a week...) and none of them are as good as the original egg, which incedentally has an older program than all of the current cyber pets and can be called the grandad of all pocket cyber pets, which quite frankly I find calling the copies "cyber pets" bit of a joke, cos the Tamagotchi is still the best. Have fun (ha ha, if you can) . Rid . `-----' -=History=- Prototype 6 - Updated the gfx slightly to add a background pattern to the display similar to a real Tamagotchi and uploaded it to Aminet finally. Prototype 5 - Added the feeding option and also split the sound files out of the exe's to make the lha smaller. Prototype 4 - Created a WorkBench version as well as the own screen version and also added illness+injection. Prototype 3 - Added the menu function to access the 2 options. Prototype 2 - Added the toilet function. Prototype 1 - Added the intro bit to the game. Prototype 0 - Initial start, created the game.