As of this month we are now supporting the Amiga scene for a total of 3 years! SASG was founded in May 1994. Most Amiga users will remember this time as the downfall of Commodore. SASG was born out of this crisis since we wanted to show our solidarity with the Amiga and its users worldwide for we knew that the liquidation of Commodore would not simultaneously mean the downfall of the Amiga computer. After 3 years we can proudly say that our decisions and feelings were right on this matter. It was good to support the Amiga and its users by keeping this platform strong and flourishing.

And we are celebrating another event: Our SASG website has reached and beaten the magical barrier of 100,000 individual users attending our online services! We thank everybody who visited our website and helped to make it so popular. Thank you so much!

To celebrate these events we have decided to let everyone participate in our achievements by making a special offer: SASG International grants you an exclusive, time-limited

20% birthday discount until 13-Jun-97

on all of its featured products! To make use of it, just click on the provided product buttons below. They will take you directly to the order page where you must select one of the two online ordering methods (1 or 2) to use our special birthday discount. Don't miss this unique and limited chance to get our great Amiga shareware products for just that little shareware fee.

Since we are celebrating our 3rd anniversary, we thought it would be appropriate to give away our products for 20% less for exactly 3 weeks! This means, if you register one of our products before the 13-Jun-97, you will be granted this special discount. On friday the 13th, this exclusive offer will expire!

Copyright 1997, SASG HomeHelpGuestbookNewsAbout Updated: 23-May-97