
Picasso96Mode is the preferences tool to create and adjust display modes. It is normally installed in SYS:Prefs. The GUI looks like this:

The GUI is divided into four areas:

  1. the action buttons,
  2. the list of settings,
  3. the resolution list and
  4. the mode list.

The action buttons

In the upper right corner you can see four drag-and/or-drop boxes which allow you to:

The list of settings

A setting consists of all display resolutions for one Picasso96 graphics board. In the listview you see the currently available settings in your settings file. The strings in the settings listview consist of the card type, for which of possibly multiple boards of the same type this particular setting is (normally 1 i.e. for the first board of that type) and a user selectable name for this setting.

The resolution list

This list contains all different resolutions that are currently configured for your system. You can see the dimensions, the display ids and the current state (active or inactive). Below you see gadgets for width, height, name and base display id. Width and height are only changeable when there is no mode defined for that resolution. Only the upper half of the display id is changeable due to graphics.library's display id management.
You can toggle the activation state of any entry by double clicking on it. An inactive resolution will not be added to the system.

The mode section

This section consists of the list of modes for the current resolution and the edit section for the current mode. You can define multiple modes of the same depth type, but only the first active mode will be used for display. Here, too, you can toggle the activation state by double clicking on it.

Description of the edit section gadgets

If you want more informations about the details, read Sylvain Bourciers Picasso96 ScreenMode Definition FAQ.

Usage of the drag-and-drop style interface

The way settings, resolutions and modes are handled is quite the same and therefore I now just call them objects and explain how to use any of them. You can create, delete or copy any object by performing simple operations with the mouse.
  1. Creating a new object:
    Click on the create button which is the first button in the upper left corner of the main Picasso96Mode window. You will see that a small rectangle with the text "New Object" will appear under your mouse pointer as long as you keep the left mouse button pressed. When you now move the mouse pointer around on the display you will notice that the rectangle will move along and will be clipped if you try to leave the window. If you are within the borders of one of the list you will see that the text box changes. If you drop the box now, i.e. release the left mouse button you will get a new item in the list you dropped the object into.
  2. Deleting an object:
    Let's assume you want to delete an object from one of the lists. All you have to do is to click on the entry within its list and drag the mouse outside to the left or right of the list view while holding the left mouse button pressed. If you are too slow, the action will be ignored and you'll have to retry. Now you will see a text box under your mouse pointer representing the object you currently work with. If you now drag the mouse over the delete gadget which is the fourth of the gadgets in the upper left corner of the window and release the left mouse button, this object will be deleted from its list. It is now completely gone. No, there is no undo button...
  3. Duplicating an object:
    If you want to get a copy of an object, for example to create the matching mode for a different color depth, you drag the original object over the third gadget in the upper left corner of the window. Once there, you release the left mouse button and will see that a copy of the original object will be added to the bottom of the list you got the object from. This is now a copy of your original object.