Amiga Games Petition
- Latest Count: 613 -

Due to the lack of games from the big publishers for the Amiga, I have decided to start a games petition for Amiga owners to fill in. Please fill in the small form below by putting your name, e-mail address and amiga specification and say why you would software companies to continue to support the Amiga. Be as long or short as you like and I will then pass all your comments onto as many different games companies as can. E.G Bullfrog, Ocean, Team 17, etc. For example, games like The Big Red Adventure and Putty Squad have apparently been finished but never released. What sense is there in that when they are bound to make money from these games. So the more replies they get, the more likely they might continue with Amiga development or return to the Amiga.

Update - The 3rd lot of the Petitions has been sent out to the software companies.

Some people have experienced problems with this form so I have uploaded the petition to the Aminet under the name PETITION.LHA and is located in the DOCS/MISC directory. You can download it from the link or you can access it from your own local aminet mirror. Anyone who has problems can fill this instead and send it to my e-mail address

Personal Details

What is your name?
What is your e-mail address?

Computer Details

What is your Amiga?
What processor do you have?
What speed of processor? MHz
How much RAM do you have? MB
Do you have a Hard Drive?
If yes, what size is the hard drive? MB
Do you have a CD-Rom Drive?
Do you have a Graphics Card?

Your Game Comments Please...

I have a second form on this other page TFX Campaign which is for Amiga owners to fill in and all comments will be sent to DID to try and convince them to finish and release the game.

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